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Dreeett..a phone call from Eomma interrupts me.

"Where are you Taegu-ssi..? can Eomma ask for help to buy  medicine ? Eomma forgot that today the medicine has run out"

"Okay Eomma, I'll go home and buy the medicine"

30 minutes later I got home and immediately gave the medicine to Eomma

"Eomma.. this is the medicine, and this I brought fried chicken"

"Okay Taegu, thank you son. oh yeah, haven't there been any news from the police station?"

"Ooh .. not yet Eomma, the police have not called me again" I stared at Eomma with sad eyes. Suddenly I remembered about Ju Meok was talking about this afternoon that Min Na came to be Mr Yoon's sugar baby.

"Eomma .. I take a shower".

"You haven't eaten Taegu."

"Yes Eomma but I take a shower first"

I quickly went to the bathroom and cleaned my body. Shit! Suddenly i remembered the photo of Yoon Se Ri that I saw on the internet earlier. "Woaaaaaah... what about me? While taking a shower like this, she suddenly crossed my mind?! Ooh Taegusii you are surely a man, but this is not the right time! I quickly finished my shower and headed for the dining table. I saw eomma already in her room.

A few minutes after I ate, Ju Meok texted me

-Taegussi, I received new information. Can we meet now?-

-Okay I'm leaving now, we'll meet at the usual place-

I rushed off, took my coat and car keys and made sure Eomma was fast asleep.

35 minutes later I arrived at my destination. This time I met at a restaurant not far from the Cake Shop where Min Na works. When I got there, I saw Ju Meok was waiting for me.

"What news did you get Ju Meok-ssi?"

"I got information from my subordinates that Mr. Yoon was seen visiting Min Na's grave a few days ago, and he was so devastated and cried in front of Min Na's grave. So I don't think it seems Mr. Yoon did Taegu-sii."

"I'm also not sure Ju Meok-ssi, but there's no one I suspect anymore besides Mr Yoon because it's clear that my sister Min Na has a relationship with him"

"If indeed Mr. Yoon is the culprit, why did he get hit like that and cry in front of your sister's grave, I don't think even big-name criminals will be able to act like that naturally"

"Ju Moeok-ssi.. ask your people to find out about Mr. Yoon's daughter, Yoon Se Ri. I think I have a way of proving that Mr Yoon did or not. Oh one more thing, keep an eye on what activities Mr. Yoon doing."

"Okay, I'll do it. But..what's your plan Taegu-ssi?"

"You will know later, the important thing is that I need timely information about Yoon Se Ri, find out what activities she does and where she goes"

"Taegu-sii.. I hope you don't behave rashly"

I just nodded while stroking my hair. Then I took out my cigarette and smoked it.

The next day

I plan to visit Min Na's grave, but I won't take Eomma because after that I will to carry out my plan. After showering and having breakfast I went and didn't forget to stop the flower shop. When I got there ,I saw that there was a very large bouquet of flowers on MiNa's grave. The flowers still look fresh and none of them have passed. That flower is Min Na's favorite flower, just like what I brought right now. White Rose.

It turns out that someone actually came to Min Na's grave and brought this flower. Who else if not Mr. Yoon? Turns out he really knows what Min Na likes and I think their relationship has gone too far.

I looked at Mina's grave with full of questions. "Min Na..Oppa knows you've calmed down there now, but Oppa still can't believe that you did that. Sorry..for being too busy and rarely paying attention to you, so you seek the attention of others out there. Oppa who can't be a substitute for Appa so you go that far. Oppa promises to find the culprit who did this to you".

After visiting MiNa's grave, I immediately headed to the office. Even though my business is illegal, I also have an office that is no less magnificent than other companies. Isn't it suspicious? Of course not because I run both businesses at the same time. One legal business and one illegal business. Since my illegal business is only firearms so it's not too suspicious.

When I arrived at the office, my subordinates was waiting for me "Sir, I have information regarding Yoon's daughter. Earlier, Ju Moek-ssi's people called me"

"What did he say?"

"He lives in Gangnam-Gu Seol, Tower Apartment 22nd floor"

"Ooh so she doesn't live with Mr. Yoon and her brother?"

"No Sir. According to the information they got, Mr. Yoon's daughter left the house after she founded the Se-Ri Choice company.

"Okay thank you"

Meanwhile I'm thinking of a way to lure Mr. Yoon, because there's no way I'm going to go up to him and make a fuss in his Office. I have to do it another way. I soon called my four men and they are entered my room.

"There is something must you do!"


Meanwhile at SE-RI CHOICE Office

I'm preparing to launch a clothing product that I have finished making and I plan to schedule launch in 2 weeks, I immediately pack my things and want to go back to my apartment.

I am Yoon Se Ri, the daughter of the founder of the Yoon Group who has successfully created a brand and has become a CEO at the same time.
Every day I am busy with my activities at the office, as the leader of a company I certainly don't have time to just have fun, let alone just take a walk. But after my new brand was finished and launched soon, I really wanted to go somewhere to relax for a while. I took my Iphone and shortly ordered a plane ticket. I decided to go to Switzerland for 1 week.

The next day

I packed my clothes and put them in the suitcase. I checked again and made sure all my needs while in Switzerland. Today my flight schedule is at 8 pm and that means 2 hours before my departure I'm already at the airport. I immediately called Mr. Hong to remind him that he would pick me up at 5 pm.

"Aahhh... finally I have for me time". I said to myself as I lay down on my favorite bed. I didn't realize it was already 4 pm, I had to take a shower and get ready for the airport.

At half past 5 Mr. Hong was already at my apartment to pick me up.

"Are you ready Mrs. Yoon?"

"Yes" I answered briefly while checking incoming files and emails on my Iphone. Meanwhile Mr. Hong was busy putting my suitcase in the trunk of the car.


After Mr. Hong dropped me off at the Airport Lobby, I went in and decided to wait at a coffee outlet at the airport and ordered 1 cup, I accidentally checked in because it wasn't time yet. While waiting, I checked my email and incoming files again and sent them to my personal secretary, Cha Young Na. While I was in Switzerland she would take care some of my work. Suddenly I got a phone call, without seeing who was calling, I received it.

"Yoboseo..." No answer

"Yoboseo.. Yoboseo.." still  no answer. I'm still 1 hour away from my flight schedule, why do I suddenly feel sleepy?


Why Yoon Se Ri feel sleppy?
Wait for next chapter..

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