Heather Chandler (Heathers)

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Just listened to a playlist of the songs from the musical and decided I needed to write this.

High school, as many can attest to both currently and from past experiences, is the closest physical manifestation of Hell that can be on earth.

It is a place that masquerades as an educational center, but in reality is a hierarchical, tribal place where only the cruelest of demons could grow to rule.

And unfortunately for you, you hadn't an ounce of an evil nature in your body.

You were an average kid, too social to be a nerd yet too shy to carry the power of a jock, you found an inkling of friendship in, what you saw, as the greatest card game ever conceived.

Sorcery: The Alliance.

You held yourself up to a prideful standard against the others in your group for both your incredible skills at the game and your collection of rare cards.

You felt like a king, but soon found a far more terrifying form of royalty had set her sights upon you.

Heather Chandler, the demon queen herself had set her sights on you one day, seeking only to indulge in the sadism in her heart by targeting you and your fellow card players, seeing you as easy game.

Thankfully though, you are resiliently naive, and upon Heather approaching you with ill intent with her entourage of other Heathers in tow, you quickly jumped from your seat and invited her to play, throwing the usually stern Chandler off.

Surely someone could not be as naive to invite Heather Chandler, the red death herself to play a fantasy card game?

Not fully understanding that your invitation was made with good natured intent, Heather retreated, vowing to find a weakness in your wholeheartedness that she could exploit.

The results of her search ended with you two becoming friends outside of school, albeit only outside of school due to the previously mentioned hierarchy.

One day, as you were searching through your locker for that better that you knew you put in there, you felt a slight tug on the back of your shirt, and turned to see Heather, albeit without her usual posse.

You: Heather!

Before you could continue your sentence, Heather covered your mouth, and looked down both ends of the hallway to ensure that there was no one to see you together, the hem of her red coat brushing against your face.

After confirming that there was no one in sight, Heather let out a sigh of relief and looked at you with a slight scold.

Heather: What did I tell you about acting like we know each other?

You: Too not to.

Heather released her frustration at you, as she could never hold negative feeling towards you for long, and remembered what she came to you for.

Heather: Anyway, I got something for you...

Heather reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a dream come true.

In Heather's hand was the exclusive Red Lord Of The Thousand Flames card you had been looking for.

You stumbled on your words in excitement and disbelief.

You: I-I...Heather, This is like...an e-expensive card!

Heather: It only cost five hundred dollars.

You: JUST five hundred dollars!?

Heather: Relax, my parents won't even notice the dent in their bank account.

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