Nico Robin (One Piece)

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(I've only seen One Piece in passing so sorry if this chapter is inaccurate.)

"Be warned, O sailors and pirates of the night seas, of he who death rejected. undying upon the dark ocean, he who sails on ruined sails and a blackened hull, beware the Abyssal Kraken and her captain, Night Terror."

( Captain Night Terror is you btw, Night for short.)

The sea was black in the stormy night, as if a bottomless pit where the failures of the sea fell.

Upon the crashing waves was the legendary Abyssal Kraken, a ship damaged in appearance but terrifying in legend.

The crew of the Kraken were celebrating a recent raid of three ships worth of Berries, yet the captain, as he always tends to, was alone in his quarters.

Though rumor aboard the Kraken was that the captain was, like all other pirates, searching for the One Piece, that rumor was quickly proven false, as the captain didn't pursue fairytales or the words of any other than himself.

The crew's celebration came to an abrupt halt when a crewman yelled out.

Crewman: Castaway! To the side!

The once joyful pirates now leaned over the ship's side, and indeed saw a woman barely holding onto a broken piece of wood.

Crewman: Throw down a rope! She won't last long in these waves! Someone alert the captain!

The pirates quickly threw a rope down for the woman to catch as the captain was alerted, he steeping out of his cabin to see what upset his crew.

The captain was indeed a walking night terror, his coat worn and covered in barnacles as he carried a rusted sword on his side.

Captain: Where is she? The castaway?

Crewman: Over here captain! We're pulling her up now!

The men finally pulled the woman up to the ship, where it was seen that she wore a once fine black dress, now tattered by the cruel sea.

The Captain quickly covered the woman with his coat as she spoke weakly.

Woman: Thank you...

Captain: What is your name, castaway? Do you have a crew?

Woman: Nico...Straw Hats...

The pirates jumped in surprise.

Crewman: The Straw Hats!? Each of their members carry a hefty bounty sir! We could turn her in and get rich!

The captain smacked the hat off the crewman.

Captain: I'm not in the business of picking fights with other pirates, it's not honorable.

Nico was shivering.

Crewman: She seems uninjured, but she's cold.

Captain: As these waters are. I'll allow her to warm in my cabin, as I have a fireplace.

Nico looked up at the captain, a handsome man who wore scars across his face.

Nico: Thank you...captain...

Nico tried to stand up, but fell into the captain's arms, passed out.

Captain: Bless her soul.

The captain took Nico into his quarters, where after a few days of care, was healthy.

According to Nico, a Marine ship had found the Straw Hats, and she was knocked off the ship during the battle and only survived the ocean because of the piece of wood the clung to.

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