Mt. Lady (My Hero Academia)🍋

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Giant Waifu

The thin veil of dimensions tend to have the inconvenient habit of tearing.

In your world, or what's left of it, was overrun with monster of varying species due to overbearing radiation. From deep sea Megaladons to tower high Tyrannosaurs.

The radiation that dominated your world turned humans into giants, still human in appearance though as tall as a building.

2020 got really out of hand in your world.

You lived as a hunter of these beasts, decorating your armor with their bones and hides and forging weapons from their teeth and claws.

Your name was whispered in praised gasps, as you were a hero to the mutated remnants of humanity, an apex predator.

You stood on the top of the food chain, or at least you did until a rip in dimensions dropped you somewhere called 'Japan'.

In this place, this city as it appeared, humans were but the size of irradiated ants, not coming up to your ankle.

Radiation must have still been apparent, as several humans had odd appearances, and even powers.

You wasted no time in retreat, as an unfamiliar hunting ground could prove fatal, so you made for the dense forests far outside the city, where only small creatures lived peacefully.

You then attempted to learn your location via the stars, only seeing the stars unlike any you've seen.

You're worst fear was realized, as you were in a completely different dimension. Free of monsters for you to hunt.

You pondered on your next course of action when you heard a quacking in the ground; something of only slightly equal height to you was near, and was hunting.

You used the wildly tall trees to hold position and wait for the unknown creature, prepared to strike and make a meal of it.

Upon the sight of a set of purple horns, you swung from the tree you perched on and attacked, holding your knife above your quarry, where you saw...


This was no creature, but a woman, a giant woman, unlike the irradiated kind of your world.

The woman looked at you with surprise, her blonde hair draped over her shoulders and your grounded hand.

You took a strand of hair in your hand, examining it and noting how incredibly soft it was to the touch.

You: You...human?

The woman spoke in confusion.

Woman: Yeah?

You: We speak the same language, good.

You put your knife back into it's sheathe, and helped the woman up, who's own height reached your chest.

You: Why are you here?

Woman: I was looking for a suspicious giant...and I'm pretty sure I found him.

You rubbed your chin in thought as Lady examined you, confused as to why you dressed like a barbarian.

You: Tell me horned woman, what is this place? Is this earth? Are you human?

The woman spoke in confused thought.

Woman: Uhh...yeah, this is earth...I'm human, Mt. Lady is my're not from around here are you?

You continued to examine your surroundings.

You: This place is completely free of radiation, how do you people eat without radiation to grow your food?

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