Aayla Secura (Star Wars)🍋

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How does an alien look so fine?

Though you were no Jedi or clone trooper, you still felt the exhausting effects of the Clone Wars as a mercenary.

You were tempted to join the Sepratists, but found working with droids to be far too annoying to bear, and found your contract with the Republic.

You worked on several battles, becoming acquainted with the clones, but found that the Jedi stoked a cynical fire in you, as you said best yourself;

You: What's the big deal with lightsabers? It's just blaster fire on a stick!

You were less than liked by most Jedi, obviously.

Though, one managed to become a close friend.

A blue Twi'lek named Aayla became your charge after you proved yourself to the Jedi, who reluctantly gave you the position as her guard.

You and Aayla were less than sociable with each other, with arguments becoming regular occurrences, made worse by the fact that your base was your ship with one bed and bathroom.

You slept on the floor most nights.

But time heals all wounds and grievances, and you two became closer as friends, with a faint warmth in your chest making you feel something more.

You soon found yourself sharing your bed, and often found yourselves holding each other in your sleep, which you both laughed off and blushed over when the other wasn't looking.

You both eventually found yourselves on the tropical planet Scarif, on an incursion for Aayla to meditate.

Though your understanding of the force went as far as a few books you could read got you, you liked Aayla enough to help her meditate, bringing a mat for her to sit on and various meditation tools.

You were both walking to the beach when Aayla spoke up.

Aayla: May I ask for a favor?

You: We've come this far, why stop now?

Aayla: As I meditate with the force, I would feel safer if you were next to me.

You: You need me to feel safe?

Aayla: Not normally, but I have become anxious at the idea of meditating alone.

You understood Aayla's request after she said that.

You: Yeah, I can stay with you, no problem.

Aayla reaches and took your hand.

Aayla: Thank you, (Y/N).

You both came to the beach where you set up a meditation area for Aayla, with a tent to hold off the wind.

The sun was going down and dusk had set in when Aayla entered her meditation, you sitting next to her laying on a pile of pillows.

You smacked quietly on a bag of Mandalorian Chips when you noticed Aayla sweating and breathing heavily.

You remained silent, as to not interfere with the Jedi practice you scarcely understood, but soon learned that Aayla was in distress after she began gasping for air.

You jumped forward and caught Aayla as she fell back.

You: Aayla!? Aayla! Are you okay!? Say something!

Aayla regained herself and held you tightly, gasping in what you could tell was panic.

You: It's okay...I have you...it's okay...

Aayla continued to hold you as her breathing calmed, nuzzling her head in your neck.

You: I have you...

Aayla began to regain herself, speaking in a quieted voice.

Aayla: I'm sorry...I'm uncertain as to what came over me.

You: I know what it was, it was a panic attack.

Aayla: A panic attack?

You: Yes, I used to get them frequently as I slept in my early days as a mercenary.

Aayla looked away in shame.

Aayla: I shouldn't have them. I'm a Jedi, I must be strong.

You held Aayla's face in your hands, pulling her gaze to you.

You: We all need help Aayla...

You leaned into Aayla's lips, your intentions clear.

You: Let me help you...

You slowly kissed Aayla, who returned with equal passion, her arms around your neck.

Then suddenly, Aayla pulled away.

Aayla: No...

Aayla jumped to her feet.

Aayla: This isn't right...

Aayla ran away onto the dusk shaded sands of the beach, you following her.

You: Aayla! Wait! Please!

You caught Aayla in your arms as she cried.

Aayla: I can't be with you! The Force knows I want you...but my code forbids me from having your touch...your kiss...

Aayla put her hand on your chest.

Aayla: Your desire...

Aayla pulled herself away.

Aayla: No! I can't...don't make me want you more...

You took Aayla's hand, and pulled her back.

And, in a moment of heated passion, you pulled Aayla in and kissed her deeply, her previous distress eased into a deep care.

You knew that on this night, on this beach, on this beautiful planet, that you would lose yourself in pleasure to Aayla, and lay with a Jedi.

Timeskip, Beachside Tent
You had Aayla in a deep embrace as you both laid on the soft pillows, your skin bare.

Your kiss was deep and desired, like the sweet feel of sunlight after years within darkness, like the first taste of cake against tastebuds that never knew sweet, you wanted her lips, and by the gods above you had them.

You ran your hand down Aayla's back, and held her at the precipice of her buns as she blushed, believing your hands to dance with her backside while your tongue did so with hers.

Aayla's own hands has also lowered, with her gently rubbing the length of your captain.

You pulled back for one last reassurance.

You: Aayla...do you...really want this?

Aayla was silent, but her eyes looked at you longingly, telling you that she wanted you, and that she could hold back no longer.

Aayla: Take me...

You laid Aayla down on the pillows as the tropical winds grazed your back, adding comfort to the pleasure you would soon feel.

You slid down Aayla's body and net your lips to her lower, her moans a sign that your movement was well received.

You continued to move your tongue like a Spanish dancer against the French moon, and Aayla held the pillows in absolute ecstasy.

You eventually pulled up from Aayla, and met your piece to her entrance, and after a moment of hesitation mixed with intense anticipation, you slid into Aayla, the moonlight on you both as you massaged her.

Your length was an unexpected feeling to Aayla, who gripped your back tightly as you continued to plow her.

Within moments, you reached your peak, and released onto Aayla's stomach as she gazed in your eyes.

Aayla: (Y/N)...

Aayla lifted herself up and held you.

Aayla: I care not for the Jedi...only you.

You held Aayla tightly.

You: I will allow no harm to come to you, on this planet or any other.

You held your embrace for the night as you both fell asleep in each other's arms, a happy life through a turbulent galaxy awaiting you.

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