Queen Maeve (The Boys)

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I just started watching this show and debated wether I could make an interesting chapter from it, so I'm gonna try my best.

In humanity's grand sense of worth, on it's tiny rock upon the vast span of the universe, they though they lied in the center of it, unaware of how insignificant they truly were.

It was not exclusive, humanity's sense of worth, several other planets far from earth held similar feelings for themselves, right up until you arrived, The Terror From The Abyss.

You lived solely to conqueror, to bring planets of simple, mindless creatures under your tyrannical rule.

(Yep, you're Darkseid.)

While debating the real estate value of Mars, you stumbled upon a rover from Earth, and upon realizing it contained intelligent life, directed your armada to the home of humanity.

Upon arriving, you learned that earth did, in fact, not contain any intelligent life whatsoever.

Humans were enamored with 'heroes', buying their merchandise and seeing them as gods.

The only god you saw was yourself.

You wasted no time in leveling their cities, turning them into slave encampments as you continued your pillage of earth.

The heroes attempted to stop you, but a simple snap of your fingers rendered them nothing but bones under your feet.

Eventually, with the planet swiftly falling under your control, humanity sent a group of heroes called The Seven to stop you.

You personally mastered the individual torments for them all.

You put Translucent into a state of shift between his visible and invisible form, causing pain to strike every molecule of his body as he did.

You slowed the swift A-Train to a crawl, forcing him to run across your newly acquired planet at the speed of a tortoise.

You left The Deep on a desert planet with no water, removing his need for nourishment in order to prolong his dry suffering for as long as possible.

You sent Black Noir into a black hole, adjusting it to where his senses would be completely dark as he churned inside the singularity.

The leader of the Seven, Homelander, cursed you as you beat him into submission and reduced him into a quivering, weak husk of himself, making him your personal servant.

The only one you spared torment was Starlight, seeing her as too weak for your time, you sent her away into the destroyed world you now ruled, hoping she would create a rebellion you could later crush to keep you entertained.

The only remaining member of The Seven perplexed you, as even as you destroyed everything and everyone else who could pose a threat to you, she still lashed out from the chains you held her in within the throne room of your capital ship.

You thought on a torment for this 'Queen Maeve' that would suffice you.

Perhaps she could be chained near a red giant?

Maybe you could turn her to stone and add her to your collection of queens turned statues?

Or a simple execution? as those keep the servants amused.

You sat on your throne, deep in thought as Maeve looked at you with pure hatred in her heart, ready to at least attempt to attack you if given the chance.

Homelander, now your servant, handed you a glass of drink as you thought.

Your silence was broken by your admiral and advisor entering the throne room, bowing to you.

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