❣ 15. Confrontation ❣

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We had slept on the same bed tons of times. Though for the first time, we were this close and he being so close to me was erupting new feelings within me. My heart rate was already uncontrollable and nothing I tried would bring it down. I could feel a rhythm of Swayam's breathing in and out as he fell asleep. The warmth fanning my bare neck tickled. Here it was. Swayam finding comfort and fast asleep when I couldn't go to sleep. Never in the past had this happened. I was always able to sleep in peace with him just mere inches away from him. Instead of inches away, it was just a couple of centimeters now.

What had changed? I did not know.

Or… I did not want to accept?

Grr, I blame this all on my idiotic, hopeless romantic of best friends. Yes. I convince myself. It’s all because of them. They couldn’t keep their mouths shut and their thoughts to themselves, could they?

Just when I was deep in sleep, the doorbell went off, jerking me out of sleep. I peek through my eyes to see it’s a little after 6 in the morning. I feel like I just went to sleep about couple of hours ago – though it felt only like five minutes. I wanted to sleep some more. I tried getting up but my head fell back on the bed. I realized I’d have to wake him up first. "Swayam? Swayam! Get up …"

After having to shake him, he finally opened his eyes and heard the doorbell as well. He looked at the time. "This early?" He asked as he sat up. I set my foot down on the floor and pulled the thin yet somewhat warm scarf around me, using it as a blanket. As it was winter, it was still dark and it wouldn't be dawn until late. I turned the hallway lights on as I went down the stairs.

I opened the door to receive a shocking yet pleasant surprise. Before I could say a word, Swayam asked. "Who is it Kriya?"

I pulled the door wide open and he too saw her. "Mum?" He was a bit surprised to see her but still rushed the rest of the stairs down to greet her. We welcomed her in. Swayam carried her bags in. "What a pleasant surprise! You should have informed us. We would have come to pick you up at the airport."

She was Swayam's mother, Meena Shekhawat. Unlike Swayam and me, she lived in UK with her husband Rishi Shekhawat. "I know. I just wanted to give you both a surprise. It’s been a long time since I saw either of you." They made themselves comfortable on the couch while I went to the kitchen to get her water.

"Papa?" Swayam asked.

"You know him. He's always busy with work.” Meena tried to sound convincing though Swayam could tell the real reason. So could I. "Kriya? You look so dull." She asked when I came back.

I smiled. "Nothing, just couldn't sleep well. How was the journey?"

"Very tiring!" She stated the obvious.

I was genuinely happy to see her and my sleep vanished. Though my face wouldn't lie. I did seem tired and now, Swayam looked guilty and I hope he didn’t blame himself that I wasn't able to sleep because of him. I woke Vicky up and he was just as glad to see his aunt. We decided to not go to college that day as Meena was visiting after long time even though she insisted we not cancel their plans for her. Swayam too took a leave from office and canceled his meetings.

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