❣ 16. A Study Session ❣

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author's note:

*slowly peeks* ...hi.. remember this? I've pushed this off long enough. Life has been so crazy, you have no idea. BUT, I did write a bit now and then over the year so I should be able to update about two more chapters in the next week.

PS: the chapters are going to start coming from 3rd person POV now instead of first person. I realize I shouldn't change it abruptly, but I didn't realize I wrote the chapters in 3rd person and it's going to take a lot of editing to switch POVs. I'm sure you don't want to wait even more for me to fix it.

You can expect an update of one chapter per week, so that's something, right? I'll let you go on and read now. Leave me comments & votes!



"We're not done talking about this." She promises just before getting out of the car. I let out a defeated sigh. Fighting with her about this was going to be very exhausting.

That night over dinner, she was very quiet, and I could tell it wasn't just because she was upset with me. "What's wrong?" I asked as she was cleaning up the dinner dishes.

"I know this might be silly but the thought just won't leave me. I think I might be the reason why Rey and Taani aren't together anymore."

"Why do you think that?" I took the plate she passed me and organized it in the dish washer.

"Because... that Monday after the party, Roy and I had a talk. He had the misunderstanding I liked him, which I am sure you fit it in his head somehow, but anyway, he wasn't ready to believe I'm married to you. And they had broken up just before that. Even after I cleared his misunderstanding, they are still not together."

"They could have separated because of you, but if they aren't together now, there could be another reason for it. Give your mind a rest. Did you get the schedule?" I ask, changing the topic, not wanting to get into how I might or might not have convinced Rey indirectly that she liked him too.

Kriya handed me the last silverware left in the sink and washed her hands. I followed after. "Yea, I did. Say hello to all-nighters!" She replies with fake enthusiasm.

I laughed. "Relax, you don't need to stress. I'll help you."

"Hmm. The schedule's on the desk. You can look at it. I'm going to go put this in mom's room." She informed as she filled up the water pitch and left. I turned the lights off and checked the front door to make sure it was locked before proceeding towards my temporary room, her bedroom.

I picked up the schedule and knowing her weak subjects and strong one's, I prepared a day-to-day study time-table for her. It was ready by the time she walked in. She took a look at the table, impressed. "Wow, you've already made it?"

"I didn't top my classes just like that.' I praised myself, to which she rolled her eyes. I got to the point. "You can revise your strong subjects and get them out of the way first. That way, you can focus on weak ones without having to worry about others."

She nodded, understanding that would put lesser stress on her. I looked at her, still wearing the dress she had worn to college. "Why don't you go change into something... comfortable before studying?"

She looked down at her dress and nodded. "Right, brb." She talked in text form. I sat back down on the chair to pull out her books. I shook my head seeing the notes she had taken. I pulled out a fresh new book to rewrite her notes in proper way.

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