❣ 20. I can't Loose You❣

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Kriya and Swayam stepped out to the balcony. She had tried to tell him that they should go back out to break the fast, but he wasn't going to let her have her way. He'd stepped out to grab her plate and returned within minutes. While he was gone, she contemplated what he meant when he said his love for Sharon had changed over time. She didn't grasp on that he was talking about her.

Over time, he had stopped loving Sharon. He had started to love her, but she didn't seem to move past the fact that Swayam could never continue to love Sharon after what she had done. Despite knowing Swayam all too well, she continued to live in the world where she believed Swayam loved Sharon still.

She hesitated, "I - I don't know how this works."

He chuckled at her lack of knowledge about the festival. "Don't you watch movies? TV shows?"

"You can't trust what they show in there! It's reel. Not real."

He rolled his eyes. He wanted to tell her some things can't be changed even in reel but he kept mum. He placed the plate on the inched straight railing and made her hold it as he moved back and stood behind her. "Look at the moon in the reflection." He instructed her. Just to make sure it won't fall, he held it as well, his hands on top of hers. The plate was filled with water.

She looked down at the water. The moon's reflection shone bright. She brought her face in and a second later, Swayam looked in as well, their hands touching as he nudged his head towards her. Kriya closed her eyes to pray.

Please... the only thing I want is for Swayam's safety. Let this storm pass away without him getting caught up in it.

Then she opened her eyes to see Swayam was gazing at her reflection. Upon being caught, he blinked and smiled at her. She smiled back and turned around a bit too fast. He lost the balance on the plate and it fell down. They looked down to see it going down, shocked. Kriya squeezed her eyes shut and tensed as she prepared to hear someone yell from the bottom.

She hid her face in Swayam's chest as he too looked away. "Who's there?" A voice called out to them. Kriya refused to come out and instead hid behind him. Swayam slowly peeped down to see Aashi fuming at him. She was the unlucky person. "Swayam!" She yelled.

He held his ear to apologize. "Sorry! It wasn't intentional. I swear." She just gave him daggered eyes as she proceeded to enter the house.

"She's gonna kill me - all thanks to you." He stepped back as Kriya moved besides him, laughing. "Go on. You would laugh." He was being sarcastic.

"Sorry, it's just funny!"

"Yeah, whatever, have some water yourself." He picked up the glass and forwarded it towards her. He had her drink it and she moved the same glass towards his lips. When he offered her a bit of sweet, she shook her head and instead had him eat first, then she took a bite for herself with his hands.

"Thank you." Swayam said.

"For what?" Her eyes filled with questions he never answered. He simply smiled and kept a loving hand on her cheek.

"I'll go help Aashi." She started to leave but he stopped her.

"Just a second." She raised her head at him wondering what was left. He replied, shying a bit, "I got a gift for you."

She hadn't expected that. "A gift?"

"Wait here. I'll be right back."

She waited and he was back in no time, holding a wrapped gift in his hand. "I thought about it... and here." He handed it to her and probed her to open it. Inside it was an envelope. Upon opening the envelope, she found two tickets to Maldives. She noticed the date. It was the same as the date when the college group was to go on. She was surprised.

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