❣ 13. Sharing Choices, Burdens & Heartbreaks ❣

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"Hey…" Taani walked to me when she saw me. "Sorry about whatever happened at the party…"

"All cool." I tried to sound cheerful, when I was anything but that. Finding out what I had today, I just wanted to shut off from everyone around me.

Taani let out a little smile, before asking, looking afraid. “So you weren't kidding? You really are married?"

I thought it better to prove. I pulled out the bridal chain which I always kept hidden under my shirt and all thanks to the climate, I always had a scarf on. No one seemed to notice. Taani looked at my hands which held no engagement ring. I followed her gaze and understood what she must be wondering.

“Not a fan of rings so it stays here." I pulled out another chain, the one my friends had seen. I sounded convincing enough to Taani, but only I knew the truth.

Truth was, I loved rings. I didn’t want everyone to know. Now that my friends knew and it didn’t change their opinion about it, it made me wonder why I still don’t wear it. I mean, I’m married. I should be wearing it, shouldn’t I?

"Sorry… I shouldn't be asking. It's just a surprise… Never thought."

"It's okay." I interrupted.  

Once again, I was about to enter the classroom and Roy pulled me away to the fire-escape.

"What is wrong with you?” I exclaimed. How could he pull me like this?

"Why are you lying?"

"Excuse me?" I wasn't understanding him.

"I know you're not married. Why are you lying?"

I crossed my hands across my chest. "Oh really? Since when do you know about my life more than me? Besides, I don't think it necessary to give you any explanation."

"Wait, I'm sorry…" I stopped to give him one last chance for what he had to say. "It's just that… I can't believe it. I was so sure you liked me."

I felt chocked. "WHAT?! Wait a minute. Why? Why would you think that?"

"That night… the way you would react when…"

I controlled my anger. "That night, all I did was save you because you were in trouble because of me. They wanted to hurt me, not you. That was it."

"That was surely not it when I would touch you."

I put my hand up to signal 'stop' when he started to take a step towards me. "That night, I had mixed sedatives in the ointment because without it, you wouldn't have been able to rest. You applied the same on me. I hadn't thought about that before and so, neither of us were thinking straight. Any reaction with you close to me was purely self-conscious. What else would you expect? I have only had Swayam close to me. I am going to be conscious when anyone, you or someone else, invades that personal space."

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