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Niall knows he shouldn't be doing this, he should get up and get on with his day. He can't though, being this close to Bressie makes him feel safe and happy. Thing is, it wasn't like Bressie chose to sleep next to him, they had fallen asleep on the sofa after watching a game of football. Niall had woken up in the middle of the night to his face pressed to Bressie's chest, he should've moved away but he didn't. He stayed. Now he has to pretend to be asleep until he wakes up and leaves because he didn't want to seem like a lovesick person. So he closes his eyes and snuggles closer to the larger man.

He feels himself falling into a deep slumber again but it doesn't last because he feels Breslin stir. He wonders if he'll laugh it off or freak out when he sees they had fallen asleep cuddling. He only hopes he doesn't get angry.

"Fuck, my neck." Bressie grunts trying to stretch his back, he looks over at Niall and stares. "Nialler if you don't get up I'm gonna have to push you over, me arm is numb."

Niall tries to move so Bressie could slip his arm from underneath him but he ends up on the floor instead. "Don't you dare laugh, arse." He groans sitting up and shooting a glare at the larger man.

"Here, let me help you out." He smiles sticking his hand out for Niall to take, he pulls him up and laughs. "Stop glaring, you only look like an upset kitty." He pinches his cheek lightly.

He slaps his hand away from his face and turns on his heel to try and leave but Bressie stops him. It only frustrates him how oblivious he is. "I'm trying to get a few more hours of sleep, Bressie."

"What are you doing today? Well, besides sleep." Bressie gently let's go of his wrist.

"Probably go see if Harry is back from his business trip," Niall had been quite disappointed when he finally had time off work and stopped by Harry's home only to be told he was away, Rachel had giving him the address and phone number to where Harry works and told him to check in daily. Niall of course opted out of the calls and instead went to the nice tall building every single day, he made friends with the security and the other lovely people who worked there as well.

"Ni, why don't we hang out instead? I'm sure Harry will call you when he's back. The lads have been asking about you, you know?" He sees Niall's small frown which he was quick to cover up with an all too fake smile.

"They do like me better than you, don't they?" He didn't want to hurt Bressie's feelings, but he rather not hang out with him. He's too pathetic at the moment and alcohol will only make him do stupid things. "They'll just have to deal with your arse for another night, I've got things to do."

"You've got Harry to do, you mean." Bressie says with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

Niall feels his face go hot, he crosses his arms over his chest and glares at the taller man. "I don't fuck every guy I'm with, Breslin. Besides, it wouldn't be any of your business if I was shagging him."

"Christ, no, Ni." He shakes his head. "It wouldn't, course not. I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I just don't understand why you're constantly going over when he's not even there-"

"Do you have a problem with me seeing Harry?" He asks in annoyance.

"No, I don't." Bressie replies quickly. "I don't want you to get hurt, Ni, I haven't met this Harry and I don't know how I feel about that."

Niall really wanted to fucking kiss him, the way he was looking at him with concern in his eyes made the butterflies in his tummy go wild. "You want to meet him?" He asks softly, trying his best to hide his smile.

"I'd like that, yeah." He turns his head to look at the clock and curses under his breath. "I was supposed to meet Angele for breakfast."

"Oh," He flickers his gaze down to the floor. "You better hurry then, she'll be upset you missed it."

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