more than you can possibly imagine

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"So who is she again?" Niall asks Curtis, watching Harry greet a young woman with a kiss on the cheek.

"Childhood friend, they had a fling for a bit I believe." The blond answers, a coy smile on his face. "She must've found out about the wedding disaster and wanted to be the one comforting him."

Niall lets out a scoff, his arms crossed over his chest. "He doesn't need her to comfort him." Clearly jealous at the thought of her being with Harry.

"Norah is very... kind, you'll like her." Curtis smiles, having fun seeing Niall jealous. "You're both quite similar actually."

"Are ya being serious?" He narrows his eyes at him, he tries not to show how much he didn't like Norah hugging and kissing Harry on the cheek.

"She's not as annoying as you though-"

"Feck off." Niall shoves him, a pout on his lips as he glanced over at the sitting room where Harry and Norah were.

"Are you two still pretending to be okay with being friends?" Curtis asks him with a raised brow.

"We are okay with being friends." He says through gritted teeth. "Curt."

"Right," He clears his throat and walks over to Harry and Norah. "Nice to see you again, Nor." He greets the brunette with a smile.

"Curtis, babe!" Norah smiles widely, pulling him into a hug. "It's so nice to see you."

Niall watches them from afar, annoyed at Curtis' friendly tone towards her. He's never that friendly towards him. He should go over to them to introduce himself but he's too busy overthinking, he doesn't realize they have went over to him until he feels Harry's hand on his arm. "Oh."

"Nor, this is Niall." Harry smiles softly, gently rubbing his arm. "My... friend."

Niall snaps his eyes up to meet Harry's, he didn't like the sound of that.

"You've got a cute friend," Norah giggles, offering a hand. "Hi."

"I do, don't I?" He wets his lips, not breaking the eye contact with Niall. "A very cute friend."

Niall turns bright red, taking her hand and shaking it. "Hiya." He puts on a smile, pulling his hand away from hers after she doesn't let go.

"We've got a lot of things to catch up on," Norah turns her attention back to Harry. "I'd like to invite you to dinner."

"I'd rather stay in, if that's alright?" He's been swarmed by rude paparazzi the few times he's gone out,he would rather not deal with any of that right now.

"Oh, yeah of course!" She's bummed but she also understands why he doesn't want to go out, so she puts on a smile. "Are you two going to join us?" She looks mostly at Niall.

"No," Curtis is quick to respond. "I need to reply to emails and book some appointments for Harry."

"You've always been such a hardworking guy, I admire you. We'll still order you something." Norah playfully pokes his shoulder. "And what about you?" She turns to Niall.

"I've also got things to do-"

"Niall will be joining us." Harry interrupts him, he knows what he's doing and he's not going to let him.

Niall turns to him with wide eyes, in disbelief.

"Great! What should we order?" She walks back to the sitting room, motioning for them to follow her.

Harry and Niall stay back, staring at each other.

"I have things to do, ya know?" Niall lies, he's not about to pretend he's okay with seeing Harry and Norah together.

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