isn't it a pity?

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"Are you even listening to me, Nialler?" Ellie pokes Niall's side, frustrated with him for not paying attention to her.

"Sorry, I was just thinkin' about somethin' but yeah you should go for it, I'm sure Brez will let ya have a few days off. Go have fun with your mates." Niall wipes down a table keeping his eyes casted down as he speaks.

"I was hoping you'd join us, you'll really enjoy it-"

"Ellie, I don't mean to sound rude but I'm not too keen on going on a road trip with a bunch of your loud friends." He wipes harder, getting annoyed at a stain that won't come off.

"My friends aren't loud," She scoffs. "They get a bit out of hand at times but they mean well. They're all good people."

"I'm not saying they're bad people, just not my kind of people." Niall hears her scoff again and this time he looks up at her. "I do appreciate your invitation but right now I need to focus on work."

"It's only for the weekend," She tries again. "You need a break."

"I do not need a break, Ellie." He turns back to the stain. "Why won't it fucking-"

"Niall, enough of that!" Ellie snaps, placing her hand over Niall's. "That stain came with the table."

"It didn't." Niall mumbles almost angrily.

"Why don't you talk to me? I'm sure it'll make you feel loads better if you let everything you're feeling out," She gently squeezes his hand. "Keeping it all bottled up won't do you any good."

"Niall," Bressie walks out from the back looking annoyed. "Your cellphone has been going off for the past ten minutes."

Niall sighs softly taking his mobile and glancing down as it starts to vibrate. "Can I?" He asks Bressie.

"Go on." He nods turning around to go behind the bar.

"Hello?" Niall answers the unknown phone number.

"Niall! Hi, are you busy?"

"Um... sorry, who is this?" He frowns, stepping out of the pub to have his privacy.

"It's Aaron, sorry I forgot you didn't have my personal phone number." He chuckles into the cellphone.

"Oh," Niall had completely forgotten about him. "Hiya Aaron, how are you?"

"Happy now that I'm talking to you," He laughs knowing how much the Irish boy hates it when he's all sappy.

"Stop that." He finds himself smiling.

"Why don't you ever let me tell you how much I appreciate seeing you or talking to you?" Aaron asks curiously.

"Don't be daft," Niall lets out a giggle, trying his best to compose himself. "How's your film?"

"We wrapped up just last month," He pauses. "Niall, I'm in London and I'd love to meet up. Can we?"

Niall runs his hand through his messy hair, watching people pass by him. "Sure, yeah. When do you want to meet up?"

"Tonight, let's have dinner together." Aaron says with a smile on his face.

"Okay, text me the details. I have to go now, but I'll see you later. Bye." He hangs up and furrows his brows when he feels a slight tug at his heart, he missed Harry so much.

"You okay, pet?" Bressie startles Niall, he places his large hand on Niall's shoulder as a silent apology.

"I'm fine, I won't be home for dinner." Niall sees the slight change of demeanor and he already knows what he's going to say.

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