selfish idiot

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"Unbelievable," Curtis shakes his head in annoyance. "And you told him at what time we'd be flying to California?" He asks for the second time that morning.

"Yes, Curtis. I did." Harry runs his hands through his hair as he sat down on the sofa, watching Curtis pace around the sitting room.

"Apparently not, if he's not bloody here. Where is he by the way?" He stops to give Harry a glare when he doesn't respond. "We're going to miss our flight."

"He went out last night," He says not really sure if he should be telling him this, it'll only anger him even more and was afraid he'd get an aneurysm.

"And he didn't come back?" The blond man pinches the bridge of his nose, he starts pacing once again. "Why did you let him go out? Isn't he like a child?"

"He's not a child, Curtis. And I don't understand what you mean by let him, he doesn't need my permission to go anywhere." Harry sighs, he unlocks his phone to check the time as well as to see if anyone had texted him.

"No I know, that's not what I meant though. You've literally been pushing him out the door, telling him how there's a lot of bars, clubs, and cool places to find people-"

"I do not push him out the door." He cuts him off, glancing down at his phone once again.

"You encourage him to go out and mingle!" Curtis yells exasperated, probably wasn't the best to be yelling at his boss but he was stressing out.

"He's young, he can't stay in a hotel all day long waiting on us to be done with a meeting. He needs distractions, needs to have fun." Harry realizes how bad that sounded so he quickly adds. "I don't encourage him to not come back."

"But why? Why are you so keen on him to party and have one night stands? I thought-"

"You've got it all wrong." He frowns, he didn't know how to make Curtis understand what he really wanted from Niall without making it sound like he's pushing him away because of an accidental kiss.

"I don't think I do-" Curtis gets cut off by the door opening and closing, a sheepish looking Niall walks in with a blush. "Where have you been?"

"I— Hi Curtis." Niall shuffles closer, quickly glancing over at Harry. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes, we're leaving in ten minutes to the airport. So I suggest you get your stuff quickly." The blond glares, annoyed he didn't answer his question.

"Leaving?" He asks confused. "To where?"

"California, obviously." He fights the urge to roll his eyes, he taps his foot impatiently. "Go on."

"I-I didn't know we were leaving..." Niall trails off, trying his best not to sound too hurt. Harry didn't tell him they were leaving.

"What do you mean— Harry, you didn't tell him?" Curtis snaps his head to Harry, his eyes wide in disbelief.

"It's okay, you both were really busy these past few days so I don't blame you." He quickly cuts in before Harry could say anything. "I'll go have a quick shower." Niall rushes to the room leaving Harry and Curtis behind.

"We weren't that busy." The blond mutters plopping down on the sofa across from Harry. He decides not to confront him about this and instead stays silent.

After seven minutes of waiting in silence Niall comes out freshly showered with an oversized hoodie and sweatpants. His backpack slung over his shoulders and with his hair unstyled.

"M'ready," Niall gives them a shy smile. "Sorry for making you wait."

"Come on then." Curtis quickly goes over to the door and motions for them to hurry.

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