oopsie daisy

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Harry wakes up with Niall snuggled up on his chest, he looks around and notices how most of the people were seated upright and buckled. He nudges Niall lightly until he stirs awake.

"Are we there yet?" Niall yawns as he rubs his eyes.

"Nearly, we should sit up." He waits for him to stand up before he moves the seat back to a seating position. "Sleep well?" He ask once Niall was in his own seat.

"Mm yeah, yeah I did. You're very comfortable." He smirks poking at his cheek. "Did you?"

"I did." Harry smiles softly at him.

They reunite with Curtis by baggage claim, he had cups of coffee for all three of them. They take it gratefully and wait for their bags.

"Did you bring a hairbrush with you?" Curtis asks Niall, making him blush in embarrassment.

"I did, why?" He frowns at him.

The blond goes to reply but is silenced by Harry's glare, he shakes his head and walks away from them to get everything situated.

"He's just the loveliest, isn't he?" Niall pulls out a beanie from his duffel bag and pulls it on his head hiding his messy morning hair.

"Brutally honest, that one." Harry reaches over to tuck a piece of hair that was peeking out of the beanie.

"Car's here, let's go." Curtis approaches them and motions for them to get a move on. He checks them in as soon as they arrive at the very posh hotel, giving Niall a look when he goes up to the reception on his own.

"Christ, are the toilets made of gold?" Niall asks in disbelief, looking over at Harry and Curtis waiting on him. "Listen, is there anything that's cheaper than that?" He asks the man behind the desk.

"No, I suggest you check in another hotel that's more of your price range." The older man says exasperated with the young lad. "Maybe somewhere further away from here."

"But, your prices are bloody ridiculous!" He huffs looking at the man who had an annoyed look on his face. "Can't you drop a couple hundreds for me?"

"No." The receptionist turns away from him to let him know he was done talking.

"Oi mate! I'm still not done talking to you. I've got another offer—"

"Something wrong?" Harry walks up to them, noticing Niall's distress from where he was standing. "You okay?"

"M'fine, just gonna have to go to another hotel." Niall gives him a smile and a small shrug.

"What, why?" He frowns looking over at the man who wasn't paying attention to them anymore. "Was there a problem? Are they fully booked?"

"No," He laughs, he picks up his duffel bag and starts walking towards the door. "Too pricey, he did say there's other hotels where I can find a better price though. I'll call you when I get settled."

Harry hears Curtis clear his throat, he glances over to him and sees him giving him a pointed look. Right. "Don't be ridiculous Niall, I invited you. I'm paying." He motions for him to come back only for Niall to shake his head. "I'm serious."

"I can pay for me own room, thank you very much." Niall wasn't about to let him pay for a room as well, he's got money. He can pay for his own things.

"He's got a two bedroom suite, you can stay in one of the rooms. If that makes you feel any better." Curtis finally speaks up, tired of watching them act so oblivious. "No one has to pay extra."

"Where will you stay?" He ignores how his face was heating up.

"I've got my own room. Now both of you go up to your suite and rest as much as you can." The blond hands Harry his keycard. "You've got a meeting at eight tomorrow morning, please be ready by seven." He says before turning around and leaving the two alone in the lobby.

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