he's not right for you

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"I think I'm in love. And yes, I know I tend to say that a lot but this time I'm so sure I've found the one." Sebastian grins widely. "Niall is just so different from the others, you know? He's special."

Harry tugs on his hair, his eyes casted downward as he listens to Sebastian ramble on and on about how he thinks he's in love with Niall. His chest has gone tight and palms sweaty, his breathing quickens. Guilt. "Stop, fucking stop!" He finally snaps when it's become too hard to breathe.

"You alright?" He notices how pale he looks, he starts to worry.

"No, I'm not. I need to get out of here for a while, please let Curtis know I'll contact him when I can." He doesn't let Sebastian say one one word, he leaves in a rush.


"Oh, hi." Niall was surprised to see Curtis sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, usually he'd be with Harry in the office.

"Morning," Curtis sips on his coffee, his eyes following Niall's every move. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I am. Are you?" He spreads some jam onto his toast with a smile on his face. "Is Harry going to join us?" He glances up when Curtis stays quiet.

"Harry left." The blond man watches him drop his toast. "You didn't know?"

"Where— why did he leave?" Niall shouldn't feel so hurt, in fact he should've expected it.

"He wanted to meet up with an investor in Seattle." He places his mug down and sighs. "Why do you look upset?"

"Me? No, no I'm good. I'm fine." He focuses on spreading the jam on his toasted bread again.

"Hm. Okay, well I think you've overdone the jam on that bread but that's just me. I'll see you later." Curtis leaves after giving Niall one last glance.

Niall bites into the toast chewing slowly as he scrolled through his cellphone. After a couple of minutes of scrolling he decides to call Harry. He needed to know if he left to avoid him.

"Hello.." Harry answers, rubbing his temple out of stress after the three hour long meeting he's just had.

"H, hi." He smiles to himself, happy to hear Harry's voice. "How's Seattle?"

"Um, yeah it's nice." He walks over to the window and looks at the city below.

"May I ask why you left without telling me?" Niall blushes when he realizes how bad that sounded, Harry didn't have to tell him everything.

"I didn't think I had to tell you." Harry hears Niall groan then sigh.

"It wasn't because of the kiss, was it? Because if it was then-"

"Niall," He tries to cut him off but he keeps rambling on, completely ignoring him.

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I promise I won't do it again... actually no. I can't promise that because I really liked kissing you-"

"Niall, I have to go." Harry removes his tie and throws it on the bed, he was starting to feel overwhelmed.

"Oh," Niall deflates. "When will you be back?"

"Not sure, can't leave until the investor signs the contract." He sits down on the edge of the bed. "It won't be too long though."

"Good, I want to see you." He shyly admits, looking down at his tea. "Miss you." He says above a whisper.

Harry feels his heart clench, hearing Niall say that made him feel a certain way. Good or bad, he doesn't know. "Goodbye Niall."

Niall opens his mouth to say goodbye when he realizes Harry had ended the call. He brushes it off and keeps eating his breakfast in silence.

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