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𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑: 1780
"Princess? Y/n?"
I heard someone beside as I felt them shake me.
"Mm-? Yeah?"
I said opening my eyes.
"Your Father has asked for you in his study..."
Alora said in soft voice as she folded my clothes.
"Ok..." I said sitting up.
"And you know I can do that Alora" I said as she continued. "I know but this is what I was hired for" She said giving me a smile. "Nouh...You were actually hired to do the laundry and leave them outside our door...NOT do the laundry and then fold them...That's our job" I explained getting out of the bed and going to my closet.
"Well only you, four live in this big castle...I don't know what to do in my free time?"
She said.

You know the library is open for everyone right? And the stables has tons of horses, Including yours, They're for everyone in this castle, including workers"
I said walking out the closet and placing my close on the bed. "No corset today?" She asked standing. "GOD! no! Those things really hurt my stomach" I replied as I slid on a dress. My night gown stayed under since it was short and sleeveless.

"Now stop worrying and go tell everyone if their done with their jobs to go ride the horses or just have fun outside" I said pushing her out of my room.
I closed the door and walked to my vanity.
I put some cream on my hands and brushed some mascara on my eyelashes.

fixed my hair a little and walked out.

I walked to my Father's study nervous and my hands were getting clammy.
I knocked and waited for an answer.
"Come in."
I heard him.
I walked in and turn to close the door. I turned and saw him writing some things in his notebook.
"Hello Father...You asked for me?" I said.
"Uh Yes. Anders informed me of what happen" He said looking up from his notebook.
"Im sorry Father...It was just this time-"
"It doesn't matter how many times you've done it. You knew my rules yet you disobeyed them. You will be attending an event with us. The Nott family is hosting tomorrow, as your punishment." He said with an expresionless look.
"Yes Father." I said looking down.
"You're excused."
And with that I walked out.
I walked down the hallway that led to the Library.
"Well hello there princess!"
I heard someone shout from behind.
I turned around and saw two redheads.
"George? Fred?...Hello"
I said walking up to them.
They both wrapped their arms around my shoulders and smirked.
"So we have a question for you..." George said. "Should you choose to accept it."
Fred added.
I looked at them both and sighed. "Go on."
"Will you go to the ball with the both of us?" They both asked at the same time.
I said taking their arms off my shoulders.
"What!?! why not!?"
They shouted walking infront of me.
"First I didn't know it was a ball. Second im being forced to go as punishment. And third I like going solo."
I replied as they nodded their heads everytime I fnished a sentence.
"Oh come on! Just this time!"
They pleaded again.
"Why don't you just take Ginny? It would be nice taking your sister, considering the fact that her crush likes someone else. I think she would really appreciated" I said with a smile. "We can't take our sister!" Fred said.
"Yeah! Its weird!"
George shouted.
"No its not! You know it would be nice doing something nice for someone instead of terrifying them with your stupid pranks!"
I shouted at them and slapped their heads.
"Hey! They're not terrifying they're awesome!" George said pointing at me.
"Yeah keep telling yourself that!" I said pushing past them. "THINK ABOUT OUR QUESTION!!!" They both shouted. 'What are they even doing here?' I asked myself.
Must be because of Lorenzo.
I walked downstairs to see Mother at the door with a package in hand.
"What's that Mother?"
I asked standing by her side.
"A package for you apparently."
She said showing it to me.
I furrowed my eyes and took it from her hand.
I carefully unwrapped it.

IMPOSSIBLE LOVE (Mattheo Riddle x Reader x Theodore Nott)Where stories live. Discover now