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𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑: 1780
"Ok then we need eggs. Come on" Alora said grabbing my hand and dragging me around. We got to a stand that had bowls full of eggs.
"How much for a bowl?"
She asked looking through the money.
"Hundred" The man said.
She nodded and gave him the money.
He handed her the bowl and she placed it in the basket she bought earlier.
"Thanks" I said.
The man gave us a smile and a nod and we walked away.
"What's next?" I asked.
"Milk" She replied and started walking.
I followed behind with my head low.
I was looking down at my steps nervous cause she was walking fast.
I immediatly ended bumping into someone.
I landed on the floor.
"What the hell!"
The person said.
I stood up and patted myself.
"Sorry-" I said looking up.
I met his Dark brown eyes with long lashes.
His hair was curly and he had a scar at the bridge of his nose. He stared at me as his gaze soften. "Sorry I wasn't looking"
I said breaking eye contact and immediatly left the scene.
I bumped into people as I made a turn. I saw Alora placing to bottles of steel in the basket.
I ran to her and grabbed her arm nervously.
"Hey where were you?"
She asked looking up at me.
"Uh- I was looking at a gift stand." I replied.
"Find anything you like?"
She asked as we started walking.
"No not yet."
I replied.
"Oh look! We should go to the fortune teller" She said nudging my shoulder.
"Ok" I said with a smile.
We walked in the shop and lucky for us no one was there only the fortune teller with her eyes closed.
"What brings you beauties here?" She said opening her eyes. She looked and raised her brows.
"Ah Princess Berkshire"
She said.
I took my hood off and revealed myself.
"I've been waiting for you"
She said.
"You have?" I asked confused.
"Yes my dear. I have something to tell you"
She said.
"Can we get through Alora first then we talk?" I asked.
She gave me a nod and motioned Alora to sit down.
I stood and watched them.
"Give me your hand"
She told Alora.
Alora gave her, her hand and the Fortune teller enveloped it in both her hands.
"Ah. A maid and sister. Very good friends with Princess Berkshire. Anders?"
She asked looking at the both of us.
"Uh- That's our butler"
I answered.
"Do you know?"
She asked Alora.
"Know what?"
Alora asked confused.
"Its better if you don't. Seems like its a good reason"
She replied patting Alora's hand.
"Uh- Ok. Y/N I'll wait for you outside" She said getting out confused.
I looked at her as she left and immediatly felt bad.
"Princess?" I heard from beside me.
I looked at the fortune teller and she was already by my side.
"My name is Helen Owen. Im a friend of Anders. Didn't know he was your butler"
She said chuckling.
I stayed silent and looked at her. Her smile slowly faded into a small one.
"Im assuming you want to get straight into it?" She said patting my shoulder.
"If we can..."I said softly.
She gave me a nod and walked to a door that was behind her chair.
She walked in while I waited patiently.
She came back with a bag.
"A while back, in my dreams I was told to give you these things the moment you stepped in my shop."
She explained placing the bag on the table and opening it.
"What is it?"
I asked looking over her shoulder.
"A spellbook."

IMPOSSIBLE LOVE (Mattheo Riddle x Reader x Theodore Nott)Where stories live. Discover now