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I hadn't gotten out of my bed since I got back to the cabin.
My emotions were mixed.
I felt guilty, angry, but at the same time nothing. Theo would sometimes drop by to take me out but I refused.
Sometimes I would hear him and Helen talk about me, worried.
But I didn't care.
I was worried about father and Enzo. I didn't know where they were and me staying bed sure wasn't helping.

-✞︎ 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐙𝐎'𝐒 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕 ✞︎-

"Dad-?" I groaned quietly. "Dad?!" I shouted.
"Huh-" I heard him from the other side of the wall.
"You got the key?" I asked.
I was holding myself against the wall with one hand on my side. We had been here for a couple of weeks.
So far we haven't heard anything saying if they caught Y/N.

No" I heard him grunt.

"You alright?" I asked.
"Yea" He replied.
I sighed of relief and carefully slid down the wall, sitting down on the dirty floor. All they've been doing to us was beating and throwing. They kept asking us about some time traveling thing. Something they had asked Y/N. My dad looked like he knew but wouldn't budge to say where it is or what it was.
I was getting tired of this already. I just want to get out of here.
"Why won't you tell them?"
I asked calmly.
"What?" He said confused.
"What they want. Just tell them" I said, closing my eyes.
"I can't..." I heard him say.
"Why not?!...We're gonna end up because of you. We don't know where Y/N is and mother and Mimsy are dead!" I shouted
"Son you don't understand" He said. "Then make me understand!" I shouted again.
"If I say something it'll put Y/N in danger- agh- and everyone could die if something happens to her..."
He replied.
"How exactly will everyone die?" I asked.
"Y/N...She's not your mother's daughter...She's the daughter of a berkshire and a pierce..."
"What do you mean? As in petrova as well? The whole family died before I was even born" I asked.
"Her mother didn't..." He grunted.
"She will do anything if something happens to her...Y/N is dangerous herself...she'll be surprised once she finds out what she's done to the world the moment she was born..."

-✞︎ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕 ✞︎-

"Chit-chat's over gentlemen"
King riddle said as he walked in one the cages with a grin on his face.
"Made the choice to tell me where my time machine is?" He said standing infront of the fragile Berkshire king.
"Fuck off-" He said.
"Still haven't changed your mind huh?" He said.
"I guess you wouldn't want something to happen to your lovely son would you?"
He said as the guards brought in Lorenzo, throwing him on the floor.
"Or perhaps you're daughter." He added.
"You won't find her"
Treyton said.
"Oh but I will...See I got a whole army out in the forest looking for her." Tom said kneeling down infront of Treyton. "She's smarter than all of us...She wouldn't let herself be caught unless it was on purpose" Treyton explained with a smirk.
Tom scoffed and looked down at the floor.
"Jason? Where was the berkshire princess recently seen?"
He asked keeping his sight down. "At Market town. She appeared to be buying some fruits" The guard said with a smirk on his face.
Tom looked up to Treyton who had a clenched jaw.
Tom chuckled and stood up, with his back facing Treyton.
"Bring the kid in"
Tom said.
Two guards came in with a beat up Lorenzo.
They threw him on the floor next to his father.
"You know! We could've gone the eaiser way. But...your stubborn side always has to come in and ruin everything"
Tom said as he fixed the hem of his sleeves.
"But look what it did...a great fucking job"
Treyton said with a sarcastic grin. Tom scoffed and quickly turned around kicking Lorenzo in the face.
Lorenzo groaned, holding the side of his face.
"Kill him!" Tom shouted.
The guards rushed to Lorenzo and started dragging him. "No...Wait! Dad! Dad!"
He shouted almost knocked out. "Stop! I'll tell you!"
Treyton shouted.
Tom gave them nod and they dropped him back.
Tom walked to Treyton and roughly grabbed him by the collar. "Where is my damn MACHINE?!" He said.
"Its not...a machine. Its a pendant"
"Where is it?"
Tom asked again.
"Your wife stole it from us"
Treyton replied.
"Guess she died without telling you huh?"
Treyton said.
"How. Does. It. Work?!"
Treyton scoffed and looked at him. "Fuck off"
Was all he said.

IMPOSSIBLE LOVE (Mattheo Riddle x Reader x Theodore Nott)Where stories live. Discover now