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I was currently on my way back upstairs to grab my bag.
I kept glancing behind me, seeing if anyone was following me.
I head up the stairs and rush into my room.
I walked to the couch and lifted the cushion.
I grabbed the bag and was about to turn around but got pushed to the floor. My head hit the edge of the bed on the process.
I felt blood drip to the floor.
I turned my head and saw one of the maids.
I stood up and held onto my head. She ran to me and kicked me in the stomach, causing me to stumble back into the nightstand.
I coughed and held onto my stomach. As she was walking towards me I felt around, behind me and held onto a book. "All you had to do was follow orders given to you but instead you went and made your own little escape plan, sadly it didn't work"
She said with a smirk.
"Who says I failed yet"
I breathed out then slammed the book in her face. She landed on her back in the floor, rubbing her face.
"Just give up already..." She groaned. I stared at her as she stood up. "You're just making things worse for everyone...if he doesn't find out what wants to know people are gonna end up and he's not gonna stop till he know it" She said rubbing her cheek. "Not if I kill him first" I said then puched her in the face.
I grabbed the bag and ran out. I closed the door and locked it. Good thing they always leave the key inside the key hole.
I threw it somewhere and ran downstairs. I ran behind the stairs and opened the basement door. I closed it behind and carefully walked down the stairs. I walked to the window's direction and moved the boxes.
I placed the bag on the snow and tried to reach the height of the window.
I groaned, leaning my head back. I took off the tiara and threw it somewhere.
I stacked a few boxes and climbed them. I slid myself out and now half my body was out. I heard a horse  coming and saw Theodore on MY horse with my yellow cloak in hand.
"I thought you were coming out of the front door?" He said getting off Blaze.
"Are you kidding me!? The front door is filled with guards" I said.
"Now help me up. This dress is not helping" I said.
"Oh-" He muttered than rushed towards me. He helped me up by my waist and slid me out. The moment I slid out he fell back, me landing on top of him.
I picked myself in my hands and looked down at him.
"Hi" He said with a smile.
"Hey" I chuckled. My eyes met his blue ones and my face soften. He reached his hand up to my face and moved a strand of hair behind my ear. I blinked a couple of times, breaking the eye contact. I breathed in heavily and got off him.
I grabbed my bag and over my shoulder. I felt my hands around, looking for the box with the pendant. "What are you looking for?" I heard him ask. "My pendant" I replied.
I felt something hard and moved the snow. I sighed of relief as I saw the box with my initials showing.
I shoved it in my bag and stood up. I patted the snow off the dress and looked up at Theodore. "Here. Your friend told me to give it to you" He said, handing me the cloak.
"Thanks" I said. I wrapped the cloak around me and hugged myself.
"Where do I take you?" He asked, getting back on Blaze.
"Take me to Market town"
I said following him.

IMPOSSIBLE LOVE (Mattheo Riddle x Reader x Theodore Nott)Where stories live. Discover now