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I feel water and a soft object brushing against my skin.
I fluttered my eyes open.
I saw Blaze looking down at me. But I was on my back.
I fastly sat up and scootched away from whoever was there. Blaze stayed behind and leaned his head down, still brushing against my hair. I looked up and saw Theo. He looked at me worried and stood up.
"Sorry if I scared you..."
He said, staying in his place.
"I found you on the ground, on my way to you" He added, fidgeting with the cloth in his hand. "You-....Just gave me a fright" I sighed.
"How'd you know where I was going?" I asked brushing the dirt off my clothes.
"I begged Helen" He replied.
"You gotta stop...Us seeing eachother can make things worse then they already are"
I said, turning my back to him. "Nobody will know..."
He said. "Theo! Just stop. Please...I don't want someone to die because of me. Even if they don't know now doesn't mean they won't find out later" I said, harshly as I turned to look at him.
I heard him scoff and looked down. He walked closer to me and lifted my face by my chin. "Excuses...You know how I feel about you and you're just running away from it" He said, looking into my eyes. "Im not im just...scared. Lorenzo hasn't sent me any letter for about five days and im freaking out" I said gripping his clothed torso.
"Im sure he's fine. We're on our way there and you will see your family" He said with a reassuring smile.
I nodded and wrapped my arms around him.


We arrived at my castle and pushed the door open.

We didn't hear anyone and god there was dust everywhere. I covered my mouth and coughed.
There was a smell. It wasn't that bad but it was prob because it hasn't reached the whole castle.
I walked in and ran upstairs.
The smell got stronger, causing me to cover my mouth and nose.
I went to Lorenzo's room first but he wasn't there.
His things were everywhere and his bed was slightly moved towards the middle.
My brows furrowed as I looked around his room confused. His paintings and notes from his lover were scattered on the floor like if they were nothing.
I ran a hand through my hair and slid it down to my mouth. I was starting to get more scared. I walked out his room and ran to Mother and Father's room. They weren't there. There room was a mess too. Papers and blankets thrown everywhere.
I ran out again and ran to his study. The door wouldn't budge so I began pushing my side against it. Finally it cracked open. I looked down and saw something blocking it. I started pushing it back with my back against the door. My legs pushed my body back. I slid in through the gap and groaned as I tripped on something again.
I turned on my back and slid my legs back up. I sat up and flattened down my hair.
My gaze went up to what tripped me.
I gasped and covered my mouth quickly. Tears started streaming down my eyes as I saw one of my loved ones dead body against the door.
"Oh- Mimsy...." I sobbed into my hand. I crawled over to her body and moved her hair out of her face and examined it. She he a big wound across cheek. And her hair was soaked with blood.
I held in my breathing, trying not to smell the blood.
"Theo!" I shouted through my sobs.
"THEO-! HELP ME! Please..."
I sobbed more, the last part whimpering it. I heard loud footsteps coming closer, soon the door was slightly pushed open. He looked around and his eyes stopped, looking at me. He saw Mimsy on the floor and his face turned into a shocked one. He started looking around for any clue as to who may had done this.
While I sobbed in the corner, gently holding her head.
As my gaze moved around it landed on something shining from under father's desk.
I wiped my face and breathed in as I crawled over. I reached my hand under and grabbed it.
I stood up, holding myself up by the edge of the desk.
I examined it and it seemed to be a squared tag made of gold. It had and initial in it.
"𝐑..." I breathed out.
"What?" Theo said as he turned to look at me.
"It's an initial..." I said softly.
"It was the Riddles" I sobbed.
"this my fault...Theo this is all my fault" I said as he ran up to my and wrapped his arms around.
I sobbed into his chest as he caressed my hair.
"I need to get you out of here"
He whispered.
We started walking out the study, him keeping my head still closed to his chest.
"I need to get some things from my room" I said, pulling away. He gave me nod, pulling away.
I walked away, towards my room. The door was opened and my room looked untoched. Except for the bloody footprints. I ignored and walked to my vanity.
I opened the drawer and grabbed the bag that had the book of spells along with the other things Helen gave me.I glanced up at the mirror then looked back down.
My breathe started getting heavy as I turned to look behind me.
I stared down at my mother's lifeless body.
I ended throwing up on the side of my vanity, I couldn't stand the scent of blood anymore.
I grabbed the bag and ran out. Theo turned to me as he saw me running towards him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and quietly sobbed into his shoulder.
"My mother is in my room..."
I said. "And I don't know where my father and Lorenzo are...or even Alora or Anders" I added.
"Alora and Anders are at my castle" He said out of nowhere. "What?.." I said pulling away and wiping my tears. "They uh- came to me a few days ago" He said.
I crossed my arms and looked away. "And you didn't tell me earlier!? Wow... what a waste of worrying" I said then walked away from him.
I pushed the bag strap over my neck, resting around my neck as I walked out the castle. Theo, followed behind me as he called out for me to stop. I kept on walking towards the back gates.
I completly ignored the whole way to where Blaze was at. "Y/N! Wait up!" He shouted. I continued passing through the bushes and tree branches, hearing him curse under his breath as he scratched his face with branches.
"Come on! Please!" He shouted again.
"God Theo will you just shut up!" I shouted.
"Not if you won't talk to me!"
He shouted back.
I ignored and kept walking.
I moved branches and bushes as I walked back to the the waterfall where Blaze had stayed. I walked down the field ignoring the bag that was still there.
Small tears were still coming down my eyes but I didn't wiped them.
I got to the waterfall and patted Blaze's back as I walked to the lake.
I kneeled down and splashed water in my face and wiped it with my shoulder as I heard Theo walk closer behind me. "Im sorry ok...you had a lot on your mind and I just didn't want to bother you with more...They actually told me not to tell you" He admitted. I was scrubing my hands roughly trying to take off Mimsy's blood off my hands. I started sobbing.
Big tears coming out of my eyes. "Hey..." I heard Theo whisper as he kneeled behind me and took my hands apart, he gently rubbed his hands against mine. I leaned back, my back against his chest and my head leaned against his shoulder. I quietly sobbed as he wrapped an arm around me. My hands went to the around that was around and pulled it closer. I sobbed into his fore arm as he caressed my hair.



IMPOSSIBLE LOVE (Mattheo Riddle x Reader x Theodore Nott)Where stories live. Discover now