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-✞︎ 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐎'𝐒 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕 ✞︎-

"Is it done?" My father asked as I walked into his study.
"Yes father...I have the pendant and the spell. She's not coming" I explained.
"Good. Give it to me"
He said, reaching his hand out. I breathed in before walking to wards his desk.
I placed it on his hand and took a step back.
"Mm. Its smaller than expected...Alright. Proceed to kill the berkshires and report back to me immediatly"
He ordered.
I gave him a nod before walking out.
The guard stood by the stairs unknown of me coming out.
I sneaked up behind him grabbing his neck and snapping it.
Me and Y/N made a plan while we talked this morning. She made me promise to help her.
So I agreed to help her end my father and take her brother and father to her.
My father thinks im gonna kill them but im not.
This feeling that brings me to her isn't letting me break free and just kill her.
I'll have to deal with that later.
I walked down the stairs passing by some maids and guards before going down the basement.
I walked to the door behind the stairs and walked in.
It was the dungeon.
Where her family was.
There was only one guard, guarding their doors so this should be easy.
"Hey James say hello to your family for me would you"
I said before taking out my wand and shooting a spell at him immediatly killing him.
I rushed towards his body and grabbed the keys.
I first unlocked her brother's door. He looked up with a tired face.
"What do you want? Come to finish the job?" He said.
"Im not gonna kill you asshole get up" I demanded.
He struggled and could barely hold onto the wall.
I sighed and walked towards him. I picked him up, his shoulder around mine and helped him out the cage.
"Where's my father?"
He asked.
"Is he not in the other cage?"
I asked.
"No they took him a while ago-" He breathed out before coughing. "Ah shit!" I muttered as his body became more limp. As we walked out the dungeon I kept hearing thuds and men shouting from upstairs.
"What the hell is going on?"
Lorenzo asked as we walked up the stairs.
We opened the basement door and saw all the staff running around screaming.
I immediatly closed the door knowing we can't go through there. "Hold on tight"
I said. Before he could say anything I apparated us to my room. Lorenzo crashed into my bed while I...Well landed safely standing up.
"Could've warned me I was gonna crash" He complained.
"Yeah well I don't use this much" I said.
I walked to my door and opened it. Everyone was running around the place, maids, guards shouting and a few other deatheaters.
I stopped one of the maids by her shoulder.
"What's going on?!"
I shouted.
"Guards were found dead, bitten!" She shouted before running away.
"What the hell"
I muttered.

-✞︎ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕 ✞︎-

The mysterious woman had just finish drinking the blood of another guard from the riddle's kingdom with blood dripping down her mouth.
She chuckled as she bursted through The king's study dropping the guard on the floor. Tom looked up surprised and shocked to see her. She wiped the blood on the side of her mouth with her thumb and licked it.
"Mm tasty..." She said.
She sighed and looked around the man's study.
"Tom." She said with a pout in her face.
"What are you doing here?"
He asked.
"Oh you know...paying an old friend a visit and...to give 𝒚𝒐𝒖 a message" She said pointing at the man.
"And what would the be?"
He said looking her up and down. She chuckled before vampspeeding towards him and sitting on his desk, infront of him. "Leave. My kid. Alone"
She whispered as she leaned down to look into his eyes.
"Yeah well im pretty sure mine won't do anything since yours conviced him to not kill her" He said with a smirk in his face.
"Oh well don't be mad Tommy. Its called 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆.You know how they say 'Like father like son'" She quoted shrugging..
"You left" Tom said through his gritted teeth as he looked down. "Oh im sorry...Did I hurt the Prince's heart"
She chuckled.
"Im a king" Tom said harshly, glaring up at her.
"Well in my eyes you're still that weak boy who was scared of his own father"
She said. "You manipulated me. And look at you now you're still that manipulative bitch you were before" Tom said. "Believe what you want Tommy but your weak side was the one I fell for. Not the side you turned around for"
She explained.
"Yet you went for Treyton"
He said.
"Oh well him. He was just business...I needed to turn someone to help me turn back to human...but turns out he was a good for nothing"
She said.
"Yet look how that turned out" He said.
"Y/N is mine and only mine...she may had turned more powerful than all of us but I still wanted her....but your daddy took my privilidge to be a mother away he ruined my life till one day I got to finally crush him the same way i'll do to you if you ever lay a hand on her again" She said as veins came out from under her eyes, and her eyes turning black. Tom chuckled before the door bursted open again revealing guards holding Theodore, Mattheo, Lorenzo and Treyton. "Wanna see your lovely business die" He said standing. Katherine turned her head and met with Treyton's eyes. Her eyes went back to normal and she turned her gaze to the floor.
She gulped and stood up.
"This is what happens when your daughter messes with me" He said putting on some black leather gloves.
He walked towards Treyton and punched him in the face.
"Everyone she loves dies and she lives to suffer"
He said then walked to Theodore then knees him in the rib. Theodore grunted, struggling to stand straight.
Katherine turns around and stares at Tom straight in the eye. "What's wrong pierce? Can't take it?" Tom said with a smile. She rolled her eyes and vampspeed to Mattheo, pumching him in the stomach and knocking the air out of him.
"Sorry" She whispered in his ear.
"We can play this equally"
She said.
"Alright let's play a game"
He said.
He gave the guards a nod and they threw the four men to the floor.
"I ask a question and if you decide not to answer you have to drink the blood of anyone in this room except for me ofcourse"
Tom challenged.
"Why their blood?"
Katherine asked.
"Because I know you won't be able to stop once it gets to the ones you love" Tom said.
"What do you do if you don't answer MY questions?"
She asked.
"I return the pendant and the spell ofcourse" He said sliding his hands in his pockets.
Katherine looked down for a moment before looking back up and giving him a nod.
"Why'd you leave?"
Tom asked first.
"I was being hunted."
She answered.
"Why'd you go for Treyto-"
"I think it's my turn don't you think?" Katherine interupted.
Tom gave her nod for her to continue on.
She chuckled and vampsped behind him. She had a hand on his shoulder and the other holding his chin up for more acess to his neck.
"Why'd you ask me turn you?" She said running her fangs against his neck causing the guards to rush over to them.
Tom put a hand up before they could get any closer.
"Because I was gonna use it as an excuse to escape my father. He called you a filthy witch" Tom scoffed.
Katherine let him go and backed away from him.
"My turn now..."
Tom said.
"Who was hunting you?"
He asked looking over his shoulder.
Katherine was caught off guard. She stood there for a moment before speeding to one of the guards.
She immediatly digged her fangs into his neck and drank his blood fastly just to get it over with.
Everyone watched her.
The guards had fear in their eyes, knowing they would be next.
One of them tried to run causing her to drop the body and snap that guards neck.
"I think im kinda enjoying this...your guards have tasty blood. I wonder what your lovely son's blood taste like"
She said as she ran her hand through Mattheo's hair.
Tom scoffed at her statement and grabbed her wrist.
"My question now...In what part are your little rats hiding now?" She asked, snatching her wrist and walking away.
After she said that smoke started surrounding the room as deatheaters came out of it.
"Hello Pierce" A woman with a dirty smile said.
"Bellatrix Lestrange. Im guessing azkaban prisons don't have toothbrushes"
Katherine exclaimed with a grin.
Bellatrix gave her a growl which Katherine ignored.
Both woman never liked eachother during the year they had met. All the other deatheaters landed and gave Katherine glares of anger.
Katherine laughed and walked to the desk, leaning against as she crossed a leg over the other.
"Im not surprised they hate I mean you did almost tried to kill them all" Tom said.
Two of the deatheaters closed the doors and stood infront of them. "Anyone left that needs to come-" Katherine said, getting interrupted as the glass windows from behind her shattered.
Blue glowing smoke came in and surround Tom.
Soon enough it revealed Y/N behind Tom with a blade to his throat.

"𝐀𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝"


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