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𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑: 1780
"What!" I quickly opened my eyes. And saw Lorenzo next to me.
"You ok?" He asked concerned.
I nodded and looked around.

"Where are we?" I asked rubbing the back of my head.
"The Riddle Kingdom."
He replied.
"What the hell are we doing in The Riddle kindgdom"
I asked sitting up.
"You have stay here." He said.
"What! Why!?" I said looking at him confused.
"They said business"
He replied.
"Bullshit. Where is Mother and Father?" I asked standing up from the bed and walking to the window.
"They only wanted me here to tell you" He said.
I tried to open the damn window but it wouldn't budge. "They're Locked."
I heard another voice say.
Me and Lorenzo both turned and saw the guy from the Market. "Who the fuck are you?" I asked staying in my place. "Lorenzo you can go."
Was all he said.
Lorenzo gave me a sorry look and left the room.
"Why am I staying here?"
I asked looking at him in the eyes. "Like your brother said. Its business." He said.
I glared as my hands turned into fist.
"I don't wanna be here..."
I said softly.
"Wasn't my choice..."
He said then walked out.
I sat down on the floor and hugged my knees with my head against the wall.
"God this dress is itchy..."
I whispered.

-✞︎ 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐘 ✞︎-

I woke up from my sleep, by the door opening.

opened my eyes and saw 'the guy' standing infront of me. "What do you want now?" I said lifting my head from the wall.

"Get up." He said.
"No im goo-" Before I could finish he grabbed my arm.
He lifted me up harshly, and walked us to the door.
"Harsh aren't ya"
I said sarcasrically.
"Shut up!" He said and we kept walking. As we walked I examined the place. The walls were all black and had a few family portraits hanging up. We got to the end of a hallway, and I saw a portrait of him with a man sitting on a throne with a crown on.
"This way" He said and dragged me inside a room.
It was a study with a bookshelfs and some more portraits.
"Sorry, for how harsh my son was." I heard a random voice.
I turned to the desk and saw someone turn in their seat to face me and him.
"Mattheo leave."
He said.
'The guy' who I now know as Mattheo gave him a nod and left. "You're probably confused by what's happening. But right now we should introduce eachother. I am Tom Riddle, King of the Riddle kingdom" He said.
"Y/N Berkshire...Now tell me why am I here!?" I said loud.
"Your Father. The king. Killed a whole army of MY men. So we decided to keep you, till he decides what to do"
He replied.
"Ok. What do you suppose I do here?" I said.
"Thought this would scare you a little but no...You want to know what you can do here." He said surprised.
"Because either way someone will always end up dead. There's nothing I can do but cope with the situation." I said, bravely.
He stayed silent for a moment before clearing his throat.
"Do whatever the hell you want. But if you try anything, leave or hurt any of us. You will be killed" He said harshly. "You can leave now."
And with that I left the study.
"Who do I gotta ask to read a book around here?" I muttered as I started walking. "Mrs. Berkshire?"
I heard someone from behind me. I turned around and saw an woman dressed in black. "I was ordered to help you get dressed into something more comfortable, show you around the castle" She said coming closer to me.
"Uh- Ok..."
I said sorta confused.
"Follow me back to your room and we'll get you changed" She said with a hand on my back.

IMPOSSIBLE LOVE (Mattheo Riddle x Reader x Theodore Nott)Where stories live. Discover now