1. The Arrangement

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On a fine winter morning, the door of Jingshi opens as the young Jade in white robes patterned with silver clouds and a headband adorning his forehead, comes out as he gets an invitation from his uncle Lan Qiren for a meeting. His face as cold as ice and pure as white, walks towards his uncle's chamber and enters it to be welcomed by his dear brother Lan Xichen. Lan Qiren in his deep thoughts comes to reality once twin jades bow to him. He accepts the bow with a nod and clearing his throat, starts speaking. Lan Xichen's face gives an understanding expression about the meeting while Lan zhan awaits the elder's words.

"You will be engaged to Lan Yi in two weeks time and marriage will be held in 2 years after the students from other sects complete their upcoming study period here" Lan Qiren opens up the news and looks at Lan zhan.

Lan zhan gives a confused look at his brother. Understanding the meaning of the look, which only Lan Xichen can comprehend, "Wangji, I am filled with clan duties and I am in no hurry to get married. I want you to be happy with an understanding partner" said Lan Xichen.


"So it is decided, we will confirm it with Lan Yi's parents and she can attend classes with you" said Lan Qiren.

Coming out of the chamber, Lan Xichen holds his brother's shoulder with one hand, "Uncle believes Lan Yi will be your suitable partner since both of you have been friends since childhood. I want you to have a thought about it since it is about your life. Whatever it is, brother stands with you." said Lan Xichen. Lan zhan nodded.

Back in Jingshi, Lan zhan's mind does not feel right. He likes Lan Yi as a friend, that is for sure. But to have her as a partner, he does not know whether she can fit him. However he brushes off the thought as it is decided by his uncle.


Lotus pier was filled with giggles of young maidens as a guy in black robes with a clumsy ponytail and wide smile flirted like he was breathing air.

"Father is looking for us you stupid brat" said Jiang Cheng with an irritated look at his brother.

"Oh my dear Jiang Cheng" said Wei ying giving his wide signature smile.

"Stop fooling around. Let's go"

"Is it regarding our trip to Gusu?"

"Think so. We have 3 days left before leaving yunmeng"

"I miss lotus pods already," said Wei ying with a pout.

They entered their house and reached a patio in the midst of a lotus pond where Jiang Fengmian and Yanli were waiting.

"Shijie" Wei ying hastened his footsteps and grabbed a seat near his shijie giving a tongue out to Jiang cheng.

"Don't make a fool out of yourself, Shijie loves me more" said Jiang Cheng nonchalantly.

"Don't start bickering. Father is waiting" said Yanli with a smile. Jiang Fengmian shook his head seeing his sons behaving like kids and started sipping his tea.

"Uncle, will you be coming to visit us?"

"How can I not visit my children? But then don't make me visit by breaking the rules there. Even if you happen to break it, as long as you do not repeat the same mistake, I am fine."

Wei ying flashed his bunny smile while Jiang cheng nodded giving a stare at Wei ying's direction.

"I am aware that my children are grown up, still I want you to be careful of the new environment, it's your responsibility to take care of your shijie. I am leaving the sect tonight for a meeting and won't be able to join you on the day you leave."

"No worries father, I will be safe with my dear brothers and will take care of each other"

"I will make sure not to let this brat away, so that he can't cause any trouble" Jiang cheng said with a smirk.

Wei ying faked a puppy face towards Fengmian at the comment of Jiang cheng.

"Alright, have a safe journey," said Jiang Fengmian, patting Wei Ying's head.


It is younger Jade's engagement today. The ceremony is planned to be kept simple with the elders of both the families. Lan zhan is still in his jingshi with an usual unreadable expression. He will be going to the venue along with his brother.

Lan Xichen comes there to get his brother and they both walk out of his room.

"You are going to meet your life partner Wangji, I feel happy for you," said Lan Xichen with a gentle smile as they walked towards Lan Yi's house which is in Caiyi town.

But this time, the term life partner gave a different impact to Lan zhan's heart. It kept ringing in his mind. He felt uneasy in getting used to the terms Marriage, Lan yi and life partner to be put together in a sentence. 'Is this how marital duty feels?' he asked himself.

'Life partner', still in his deep thoughts, Lan zhan heard someone scream widely.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh you scary dog stop chasing me."

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