10. Stay Away!

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"Lan yi, his fiancee" Lan yi completed what Lan zhan felt hard to say. Lan zhan remained as a stone, and an uneasy silence followed. Xingchen looked at Wei ying who looked like someone who was ready to run away anytime soon.

The group entered a tea house,Lan zhan and Lan yi sat at a separate table next to the rest. Wei ying talked non stop about various adventures and Xingchen listened to it like a proud parent. Song lan and huaisang were engaged in a talk and Lan zhan's ears were busy listening to Wei ying and his eyes on the street like he was deeply admiring the environment. Whenever Wei ying giggled, Lan zhan's eyes would travel across Wei ying, taking a quick glance. Wei ying felt someone looking at him every now and then, and this time it was Lan yi. She looked at him like she wanted to talk to him.

'back then it was Lan zhan, and now it's Lan yi, What's with this couple!'

"I miss you already" Wei ying hugged Xingchen who was ready to leave.

"When you complete your studies, you are welcome to join me." Xingchen answered the little boy Wei ying who was indeed a baby boy in his eyes.

Lan zhan, huaisang and Lan yi bowed to Wei ying' uncles before they started to cloud recesses.

Later in the evening Wei ying as usual played chen qing seated on a tree branch, unknown by the fact that someone was watching him. After an hour of playing, he took a few steps, getting down from the tree, his eyes met Lan yi.

Wei ying looked shocked. 'When and how did she come here?'

"Stay away from Wangji" Lan yi said, mustering up her courage.

Did he not try his best to stay away? And did she witness the dark energy? Wei ying wanted answers.

When she did not get any answer, Lan yi's gaze fell on chen qing, as she continued

"You will stay away"

She looked at Wei ying like he was a threat. She had been wanting to talk to Wei ying about Lan zhan for the past few days, but she could not find him after classes. So today she decided to follow him when they reached cloud recesses, looking for a chance to speak. But she did not expect to see Wei ying's resentful energy which she used in her favor. Though deep down she knew Wei ying had not approached Lan zhan after her confession, she cannot ask Lan zhan to keep a distance from Wei ying which could possibly trigger his unknown feelings. She was not a person who would threaten others, but this was her last hope, as she no longer had the courage to see Lan zhan moving towards Wei ying.

"I did try to get close to Lan zhan and that is in the past. You do not have a say in what I should be doing, and you see I am not good to people who use their power or authority over others" Wei ying's face showed a mixture of anger and pain.

Having said that, Wei ying left Lan yi who had a bitter expression.

Wei ying was not afraid of others knowing his core, as it cannot be kept hidden till the end. But what bothered him was that it would cost his dear shijie and Jiang cheng's peace in cloud recesses. He understood Lan yi's pain as he had seen the same in his Shijie's eyes, but threatening him when he has done nothing, was not a good idea.

Unknowing about the struggle of two longing hearts, Lan zhan visited his brother in his room.

"I wish to annul the engagement" Lan zhan said determinedly.

Xichen, who knew this would happen sooner or later, did not expect it to be so soon.

"And may I know the reason?"


"Don't tell me you do not know?!" Xichen sighed.


"You do not like Lan yi?"

"Not as a partner"

'Atleast you figured this out'

"Do you have a hidden reason, that you are not telling me?" Xichen asked with a smile.

Lan zhan's mind provided him with images of Wei ying's wide smile as his brother asked him.

Lan zhan did not answer.

"Now that you are not answering my question, I assume my guess is right. Do you have someone you like?"

Again Lan zhan chose to be silent, for he did not know what made him think about Wei ying when his brother asked. But he was sure that he did not or could not see Lan yi as his partner. During the times he spent with her after classes, either he was submerged in thoughts or wanted to leave the place sooner. He cannot do this to his friend, who has been there for him since childhood. He realised that he should not delay this anymore when he found it hard to introduce Lan yi as his fiancee to Wei ying's uncles this morning.


Xichen called his brother who was spacing out.

"I will talk to our uncle, and you know you should talk to Lan yi and her parents right?"


'Hope you realize your feelings soon my baby brother' Xichen thought.

Back in Wei ying's room, Wei ying was sitting near the window. He did not want to cause any trouble to Lan yi, but what he did not understand was why she was worried about him in the first place. He has not approached Lan zhan and Lan zhan too has not shown any interest in him, so how does his presence matter? And where will he practice his chen qing as his regular place has been discovered. Is it safe to stay? What's the best possible option for everyone around him? He could not come to a conclusion.

At Caiyi town

Lan yi's father and mother retired to bed.

"A'yi looked troubled." Her father said.

"You noticed it too?"

"Are we rushing her into marriage?" her father looked worried.

"She likes Wangji. I think we should talk to the elder about advancing the marriage to this year"

"Can we talk to our children first?"

"I know what is best for them"

Her father sighed and gave up.

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