31. Cloud nine

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"What do you think about this Wangji?"

Xichen asked his baby brother as they discussed the wedding plan. 

"Love is in the air" came the reply. 

"Brother-in-law Wei is in the air?!!" 

Xichen asked, looking at Lan zhan who was clearing the scrolls on the table like he was not in the mood to work anymore. 

"Let me excuse myself before you guys hurt my poor single heart"

Xichen was not quick enough to leave the place, as a cute paperman landed on the forehead ribbon of Lan zhan, slowly stepping down to the lips teasing him.  

"And uncle still believes that a condition could keep you guys apart." Xichen commented before he closed the door. 

"Wei ying" Lan zhan mumbled in a husky voice.  

The paperman glued to the cheek seeking warmth.

"Wei ying…" 

The paperman was not at all bothered, it started sliding across the jawline and touched the surface like it was peppering the jade with butterfly kisses. 

"Self control" Lan zhan gulped as he said. 

And a paper kiss landed on Adam's apple as it moved. 

"For Wei ying, no self control. Meet me at the cold spring" Lan zhan got up. 

"No, let me take you. Saves time" Lan zhan grabbed the paperman and made his way to the disciples chambers. 

"Bring his dumb paper ass here right now!" 

"I really don't know. He must be with Lan wangji" poor Nie was caught by mad Jiang cheng which was not a good sign. 

"But they are not supposed to be together till marriage. What if this idiot gets caught by elder uncle? I will go get him" Jiang cheng was not ready to let his brother in trouble again. 

"A'cheng, A'xian is with his Lan zhan. He would be safe" Yanli, though she herself was worried about Wei ying's safety, tried to calm down his angry brother. 

"Shijie, I should see him with my own eyes to know he is safe."  And they heard someone knocking on the door. 

Lan zhan bowed to Yanli as he entered the room. Jiang cheng crossed his hands on chest and he was ready to kick the hell out of his brother when he saw the paperman. Nie huaisang fanned himself in relief. 

Lan zhan kept the paperman near Wei ying and the paperman glowed before his love opened his eyes. 

"I missed you so much Lan zhan" Wei ying took Lan zhan in a bone crushing hug. 

"Dramatic dumbass, you were with him all this time" Jiang cheng responded for which Lan zhan gave a cold stare. 

"Ignore him Lan er gege. Let's not deviate from our plan" Wei ying was not ready to waste any time. 

Lan zhan carried his baby xianxian and started off towards the place he always wanted to take Wei ying to.  

"Aren't we taking a bath together? Where are we headed to?" Wei ying asked as Lan zhan walked across the spring. 

"The cloud nine"  

"How have I not heard about that place in cloud recesses!!............." When Wei ying was asking his 24th question about reaching cloud nine, without letting Lan zhan to speak in the middle, they were in front of a cave which had peonies decorating the entrance and a tiny pebble pavement leading the way inside. 

Wei ying's eyes widened and he pulled Lan zhan's sleeve motioning him to move forward. There were bunnies hopping around and as they reached the end, there was a huge hot spring on one side of the cave and the other side had a room similar to jingshi. 

Lan zhan activated a talisman around the cave after he placed Wei ying on the bed. 

"Is it.."

"Ours" Lan zhan placed a chaste kiss on Wei ying's forehead. 

"But why do you call it cloud nine?" 

"It is not. Will take you there now."  

If not for the Lan zhan's activated talisman, the Lan sect would have heard Wei ying's sexy moans echoing from their love making that lasted for hours. And Wei ying finally saw cloud nine with his Lan zhan. 

The cave was the place Lan zhan's father took him to when he was a child saying he should use this hidden room for he would need it in future. Lan zhan was not in need of a hidden room until the day he got someone to love and protect. He wanted to bring Wei ying as soon as he came to know about Lan yi's evil intentions but he had not expected his uncle to allow Wei ying to stay with him in jingshi. 

And finally today, the shameless guy he once thought of as a rule breaker, made him break a rule that was specially created for the couple. 

Lan zhan felt proud as he saw the art he made on his love's body. As Lan zhan traced hickeys and bite marks with a smile he felt Wei ying's core giving him an electric shock of joy through the bones. The core which once rejected him, shielded him from danger once, showed him the bonding of core and now he was able to feel the core like it was his own. He was able to feel the content feeling and happiness the sleeping Wei ying was feeling right at the moment. 

Lan zhan cleaned themselves with the spring water and fell asleep wrapping wei ying in his arms. 

The next day when Wei ying woke up, he was in his bed in the disciples chamber. On one side of the bed was Jiang cheng with his usual eye rolling, and on the other side, a table had yunmeng's spicy sauce and Lan sect medicinal soup. 

"Where were you last night? What were you doing?" Jiang cheng was straight to the point. 

"I can't tell you that A'cheng" Wei ying blushed putting jiang cheng to confusion. 

"If you insist, I shall tell you how Lan zhan kissed me and……." Jiang cheng who guessed what it was about when he saw Wei ying's blush, momentarily forgot that his brother was shameless. 

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