33. Gentle Love

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Madam Lan and Lan yi as they walked through the snow covered mountain after they were thrown out of cloud recesses. 

"How could they do this to me? Is fighting against evil wrong?!!" Madam Lan yelled looking at the entrance. 


"You don't add to my anger"

"Listen mother. I know people who could help us in teaching them a lesson"

"Who would? Don't you remember that monster's big bubble kind of thing which attacked us last time!!?" 

"Not us. It attacked you." 

"This little...making fun out of my wound!...Whom should I blame? Even my husband doesn't believe in my words. And I still remember how much Yu despised Cangse during our studies back then." 

Meanwhile somewhere faraway 

"How long do you fools think that yin metal can be kept away before it finds that little boy?" 

"Apologies my Lord. Just a few more days and we will get him in our hands"


"They would be here in no time"

At cloud recesses

The Morning dawned and the jiang couple who could not bat an eye all night thinking about the strange events that happened to Wei ying finally had an idea about who the culprit could be. 

"Could it be?" Madam Yu initiated the discussion. 

"We think alike, The Hui sect of shadows."


"Yes, they were banished from the cultivational sects centuries ago, but don't you remember how we lost Wei changze and Cangse sanren? If we hadn't covered up the traces then, by now we wouldn't be having Wei ying with us."

"True. Isn't it time for us to tell the others about it?"

"I am not sure Yu. Everyone is so happy about the wedding and I don't know whether this topic should be brought up now. What do you think?" 

"Let's inform Lan sect leader. Even if we do inform everyone, finding the Hui sect culprits who possess shadow power would be like finding a needle in a haystack unless they decide to show up by themselves." 

"Wish all this could end soon. It has been more than a decade that you have put on this facade for Wei ying."

Fengmian holds Madam Yu's hand as she leans on his shoulder. 

"I had to be strict to protect him. But now, against our protection he has started to gain his powers." 

Madam Yu sighed looking at nothing in particular. 

"Are you able to understand what I am saying?" Wei ying looked at his buddy Nie huaisang who had a look that explained he couldn't make anything out of Wei ying's words. 

"Seriously?? Let me explain it from the beginning." Wei ying continued. 

"I woke up and had that deep missing feeling which I would usually have when I am away from my Lan zhan but it was increased to ten fold today. 

Do you believe that I heard my name in Lan zhan's voice? That too several times, but I am sure he was not there in the chambers. 

And I had this question whether Lan zhan was actually watching me, I heard him chuckle and say, 'I am not Wei ying'. 

I thought of checking it directly to him but since morning he is busy. 

You think I am hallucinating right?  I do have the same feeling but actually I am not. 

I happened to cross paths with a few maidens while returning to the chambers and I couldn't help but wonder how the Lan sect has such gentle looking ladies. 

Upon hearing this Nie huaisang looked at Wei ying, his expression saying 'Really Dude?' with a smirk. 

Hehehe Trust me buddy, Wei ying giggled as he answered Nie huaisang. 

Yeah, coming to the point, as i wondered, I had this weird feeling that I had on myself like I wanted to look at the ladies but did not want to look as well. I felt sad out of the blue. The more I explain it feels like I am explaining jealousy right? But why would I be jealous of myself??" 

"You have lost your marbles." Jiang cheng who was listening without the duo's knowledge, commented nonchalantly, as if it was a fact. 

"Since this morning, this idiot has been narrating this story to everyone he sees. At first it was me and I heard him saying it to shijie, this time it is you." 

"Isn't that Wen Ning? I shall bring him here" Nie was happy to have found the next listener.  

Lan zhan's pov

Until Wei ying came into my life, I never thought someone could give me this much happiness. Whatever he does, makes me happy. He is my sunshine. 

When I felt Wei ying's happiness, back on cloud nine, I thought it was a fleeting feeling. But today, since this morning I've been feeling all of Wei ying's moods and sometimes could listen to his thoughts as well. I guess this is somehow related to our couple shield and the bond. 

As I saw the sun rays seeping through the windows into the meeting hall, I knew it was Wei ying's usual time of getting up from bed. 

'I miss my Lan zhan.' The voice really surprised me. Initially I thought I was imagining things but I heard Wei ying singing my name. I called Wei ying in my mind but I guess he did not realise the connection yet. I was able to feel his mood completely but his thoughts, If i am not wrong I can hear everything as time goes. 

I realised I was smiling when I saw people in the meeting hall stopped talking as they collectively looked at me. Wei ying was so cute when he asked 'Lan zhan are you watching me?' How can I not smile at that? 

For a while I was unable to hear his thoughts. 

'Gentle as breeze'. 

I don't know what or whom Wei ying was seeing then. But..but..I feel sad. Does Wei ying see something else as gentle other than me? 

I want to have him in my arms right now. I waited for a few hours until the meeting could end and now I am on my way to the disciples chambers to shower my gentle love. 


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