4. Getting to know

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Lan zhan was alone at the library after the shameless guy and Lan yi left him. He was curious to know the happenings but he did not bother as Lan yi would tell him anyways.

After walking in silence for a few minutes, Wei ying stopped and tilted his head towards Lan yi.

"I like Lanzhan"

"I am engaged to Wangji" both Wei ying and Lan yi said in unison. Both were taken back and silence prevailed again. Stopped in tracks, Wei ying replied, "you both make a good pair". Don't know why he said so, he thought he must sort out the situation. Without wasting much time, Wei ying bid farewell and left the place.

Lan yi stood there as she felt relieved that she got a chance to mark her boundary, but Wei ying's confession made her insecure.

Wei ying was back in his room, he felt a huge burden engulfing his heart. Jiang Cheng called out to Wei ying few times who did not seem to be listening to him. A single tear escaped Wei ying's eyes. That was it, Jiang cheng's patience reached its limit. He felt an urge to break the bones of whoever who made his brother to be in this state.

He held his dear brother's shoulder and shook him to gain attention.

Wei ying looked at him and said, "It was never mine to begin with"

"What is that, I will get it for you, just name it" Jiang cheng spoke in a loud voice.

"Open your mouth for god's sake" he shouted as he got silent treatment. He did not know how to comfort someone. The next thing he knew his legs were running towards his Jie's room. Having known Wei ying since childhood, who spread happiness through his smiles though he lost his parents at a very young age, to taking the merciless lashes of purple lightning from Madam Yu throughout his time in lotus pier, Wei ying never shed a single tear though he was deeply hurt inside. But this time, seeing him in this state, made Jiang cheng hopeless.

Yanli was making Lotus root pork rib soup.

"Jie, something is wrong with that idiot, come with me"

Yanli and Jiang cheng arrived in the room, upon seeing his shijie, Wei ying hugged her and sobbed enough, breaking her heart. She rocked him back and forth and Jiang cheng brought the soup which Yanli made.

At one point, Yanli could not hold her tears and she too started shedding tears looking at Wei ying. Wei ying realised the pain he is making his siblings go through, he stopped what he was doing and wiped her tears. Jiang cheng hugged them both. Though Yanli and Jiang cheng do not have any clue of why Wei ying cried, they could not see him in pain. Jiang cheng was restless about the situation and understanding him, Yanli gave a pat on his shoulder meaning to give him time.

Yanli set the table and served the soup.


"A'xian, you need not force yourself"

Wei ying looked down.

"The person I love is engaged to someone," he said in a low voice.

Jiang cheng gave an unusual expression. 'This playful brat loved someone?'

"You met her? Do I know her?"Yanli asked surprised.

"It's him"

Jiang cheng eyebrows furrowed.

"Lan zhan"

"That cold expressionless guy!" Jiang cheng said as he felt anger fuming inside him. It's been two weeks since they came to Gusu and never a single time that guy acknowledged Wei ying's presence.

"Don't you dare cry for him. You deserve someone better" Jiang cheng was irritated at how Wei ying fell for a cold person.

"He is good and is with someone better." Wei ying mumbled with a hurtful expression.

"Do you want me to break off his engagement?" Jiang cheng asked.

Yanli and Wei ying were shocked by that question. "Nnoo no Jiang cheng, he is happy, I am glad he is happy" said Wei ying.

"My A'xian is all grown up" Yanli felt proud.

"You dumbass don't be pathetic"

Wei ying smiled though he felt hollow. He was happy that he has his family who cannot stand him being sad. He should be strong for them. The three had their soup and Jiang cheng excused himself before going out.

Later that evening, Jiang cheng came back with jars of emperor's smile for Wei ying. They called Nie huaisang and three were a mess after emptying several jars.

Nie huaisang and Jiang cheng fell asleep and Wei ying sat there gulping his nth jar.

He stood up, walked towards the door and opened it to have some fresh air.

Lan zhan, who was in his night watch, did not know what he expected to get from watching the closed door of Wei ying's room. After hours of watching, the door opened revealing Wei ying. He wanted to go near the room, but what reason did he have? To his advantage, Wei ying lifted his jar and had a sip. Lan zhan saw the jar and now he has every reason to inspect Wei ying.

He got down from the tower and reached Wei ying's room. Wei ying who did not expect any visitors, was surprised to see Lan zhan at the doorstep.

Wei ying gave a precious smile.

"Drinking is proh.." Lan zhan stopped what he was saying when he saw tears rolling down Wei ying's cheeks.

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