43. Not over yet

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A year later

Wei ying's pov

"Lan zhan, Can we go to our hidden room tonight?" 




"How about night hunting? Sounds interesting right?" 


"Or library maybe? You like reading." 


"Can I have some of your time for me?" 


And here I am waiting for Lan zhan to talk to me or at least look me in my eyes for once, after he agreed to spend his time with me tonight. 

I am not content just with his presence lately, he barely talks, and when we make love, it cannot be referred as making love but having sex. Yes, it's been like this between us for months already. It is really bad considering how we used to be so active physically, now all of a sudden we are not that lovey-dovey couple anymore. 

Do all married couples get to this point in their life? I still love him madly, it's just that Lan zhan is busy with his sect duties that he isn't the same person he used to be. Is it really the sect duties?, I do wonder sometimes. I really had this question whether he is my Lan zhan, but fortunately yes he is. I can feel him. 

After the Hui sect ambush last year, the sect's people are required to prove their identity through their spiritual power every time they access the barrier. If not for that and the additional security processes that are set in cloud recesses, I would have come to a conclusion that Hui zheng has exchanged my Lan zhan's soul to somebody else's. It's a shame that we are yet to arrest him. 

Now, back to Lan zhan.

"Do you love me?"  'Please Lan zhan, say yes, say yes' I pray. 


After waiting for Lan zhan to speak, without a choice, this is how I calm down my aching heart every time. He loves me. I love him. He answers that he loves me. And my Lan zhan doesn't lie. 

Earlier today, I had asked brother-in-law Lan Huan whether I could pitch in to help them so that Lan zhan need not work his ass off. He replied that Uncle Qiren wishes that I tame my core well before I join them. 

Well, the yin metal is quite difficult to tame. I am still working on it. Uncle believes that I would cause problems with it, which I would certainly agree with, if not for the lacking affection from Lan zhan. And till date I have not shared my pain to anyone, afraid that I would make them worry. I pretend to be happy and alive when I am with others. I play Lan zhan's part as well, making up colorful stories to make my dear ones believe that I am finally happy. 

Does my Lan zhan have some other issues which he is not willing to share? I talk to my uncle and brother-in-law on a daily basis and they are quite happy with how things are. So Lan zhan is completely normal when he is with them. 

With these endless thoughts haunting my night, I close my eyes, resting next to my husband in bed, who has a straight posture unlike how he used to spoon me to sleep during our initial days. Afraid that I would wet his inner robes with my tears, I copied his posture, maintaining a few inches gap between us, while covering my mouth with my palm, to prevent the sound of sobbing. 

Seeing my ring finger where I have tied my Lan zhan's forehead ribbon to have company, my heart gets consoled and I drift to sleep. 

Next day 

Xichen's pov

I feel cruel seeing my baby brother and his dear husband go through this. Last year it was their wedding. And now, yin metal. Wangji has been saying that his brain acts strange whenever he is with his husband. He loves Wei ying more than anyone in the world, however he said he is unlike him when they are together. And he forbade us from telling this to his husband. He worries that Wei ying will not stay even a second here in yunshen if he learns the truth. 

Uncle and I are trying our best in helping Wei ying tame the yin metal. We are not sure how it works that way, however yin metal is the only possible thing that could harm them right now, which is the new addition in their daily lives, and it has no effect on us. 

Regrettably, yin metal cannot be removed from Wei ying's body and Wangji is not ready to stay away from his husband until this is solved. 

I seldom slept yesterday, as I remembered brother-in-law's innocent face as in when he inquired about sharing sect duties, not knowing that we made up that reason exclusively to give him peace. 


"You may get going" Breaking my train of thoughts, I answer Lan yi as she leaves Hanshi after housekeeping. 

Seeing her everyday, reminds me of the horrible deeds she did last year, however the chains that restrained her hands and legs to show others that she was once a criminal makes me pity her life. If not for her father's contributions to the sect's growth over the years, and Lan yi's good conduct during her six months' time in the dungeon, she wouldn't have made it as a housekeeper. We are still keen on keeping an eye on her to the extent that we do not allow her to go outside cloud recesses. She was allowed only twice during the last six months, only to see her mentally retarded mother, that too with guards, since her mother is prohibited from entering cloud recesses. 

Third person pov

Lan yi had difficulty carrying the chains along as she cleaned the visitor's space at the front portion of jingshi, the place where once she longed to stay forever while enjoying the sandalwood scent. She cleaned the space, changed the table cloth, re-stacked the sandalwood incense sticks and brought the morning meals for the couple before leaving the corridor quietly. 

"I am winning this time without much effort. Let's wait until he leaves you brat." She mumbled, obscuring her ugly intentions. 

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