24. Boomerang

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"Lan zhaaannnn"


Lan zhan walked past Lan yi without an ounce of interest in whatever she wanted to say.

All Lan zhan had in mind was the silence which Wei ying had, when Lan yi asked the status of Wei ying in his life.

Lan zhan offered his hand to Wei ying, his eyes still locked to the sparkling ones.

Wei ying placed his palm on Lan zhan's and Lan zhan was proud, leading the man of his life towards the next step in their relationship which he thought he should have done sooner. To show the world that this beautiful soul belonged to him.

Feeling non-existent in the eyes of Lan zhan, her calls for attention were unanswered.


Lan yi mumbled the name for the fourth time which had no effect on the couple.

They were in their own world.

'There is no way I am letting this happen'

Lan yi tugged the hem of Lan zhan's sleeve thinking to pull him out of the magical spell.

"Go away"

Lan zhan growled, his free hand now gripped Bichen, ready to slash. Lan yi was quick to withdraw her hand, stood petrified.

Wei ying squeezed Lan zhan's hand gently and the next second the cold aura was nowhere to be seen. Lan zhan and Wei ying walked away hand in hand, while Lan yi still could not comprehend the drastic change in Lan zhan's aura she witnessed.

Only after a few minutes of walking, Wei ying realized where they were headed. It was Lan qiren's chambers.

"Lan zhan"


"I need time."

Lan zhan stopped and turned facing Wei ying.

"I am not ready for this yet." Wei ying said, unable to explain it further.

'I cannot announce it to everyone before I learn to control my core. At Least not to uncle'

Lan zhan had no choice but to comply looking at the helplessness he saw in Wei ying's eyes.

"I am hungry." Wei ying continued, and Lan zhan remembered the reason why he went back to jingshi. He wanted to check with Wei ying about what he would like to eat so that he can prepare it, after meeting his brother. He was glad that he made the decision to go back to jingshi which helped him in seeing the different side of a person, until a while back he thought as a good friend. He could now understand how Wei ying must have felt all this while dealing with her.

"What would you like to have?"

Like he was waiting for this question, Wei ying listed down everything he craved. He also highlighted the names which he preferred to have today.

Lan zhan shook his head with a smile and took Wei ying back to jingshi, asking him to rest.

After a few hours of time, Wei ying heard a knock at the door, this time it was his Lan zhan, alongside Xichen.

"Young master Wei, first it is required to examine your core." Xichen asked for permission to begin, after exchanging their pleasantries.

Wei ying laid down on bed, closing his eyes, allowing his Lan zhan to begin.

Lan zhan placed his two fingers on temples on both sides, retrieved it and pointed it at the place where Wei ying's core was present. Previously he had done it a few days back when he brought the drunk Wei ying to Jingshi for the first time, but could not find anything which he found strange. And for the second time, he did not find any trace of an energy source in Wei ying's body.

Few more tries and Xichen stopped Lan zhan and he tried his luck. Both had the same results.

Xichen was stroking his chin with his fingers thinking about the alternatives when Lan zhan looked at him for a second and both nodded in agreement.

Lan zhan passed his spiritual energy into Wei ying. He experienced a counterattack of electric shock which could have hurt him if not for his high cultivational core.

Lan zhan's face had no expression and Wei ying whose eyes were closed,had no idea what just happened.

But Xichen, being capable of reading the subtle movements in his brother's face, looked worried.

"Let me try." Xichen informed before passing his spiritual energy into Wei ying.

He was not attacked by Wei ying's core energy, instead his energy was retracted, unable to pass through.

"It's counter attacking."

"Unable to pass through."

The brothers announced their experience and all the three looked confused. The scrolls their uncle shared, did not provide how and when the resentful energy would react. They understood that the help of a few more people would be required to experiment the core's reaction. Considering Lan sect's cultivation principles, Wei ying knew that Lan Qiren would never want others to know that there is a disciple with a resentful energy core. It was a great leap that he agreed to help him in the first place. So he deduced that it should be his siblings. But how could he reveal it to them after all these years of concealment. His siblings would stand by his side irrespective of the situation but wasn't preventing them from worrying, his motive?

The brothers looked at Wei ying's worry lines and decided that the discussion could wait for a day. The couple had their dinner and retired to bed and Wei ying was silent all along. Wei ying wanted a way out of this problem without pulling others.

Both had their eyes closed in bed but neither of them slept.

"Lan zhan" Wei ying poked his index finger on Lan zhan's cheek to make him open his eyes.


"You are bothered."

"Let's sleep"

What would Lan zhan say? The fact that he was heartbroken since the second Wei ying's core outrightly rejected him? Though it did not let Xichen identify its presence, attacking him back triggered a deep emotion in Lan zhan.

'Am I overthinking' Lan zhan sighed.

His thoughts repeatedly highlighted the memory of him hurting Wei ying during their night hunt.

"Shall we inform Uncle about us?" Wei ying wanted to soothe his Lan zhan.

"Not until you are ready."

Lan zhan pulled Wei ying closer.

"Let me be yours." Though Lan zhan knew it was childish, he could not get over the core's rejection easily. He wanted to ensure that he was accepted completely by Wei ying.

"Lan er gege is romantic." Wei ying grinned.

Lan zhan's ears were slowly turning pink.

"Are we talking about making love?" Wei ying pushed his luck.

"Shameless" Lan zhan said, covering Wei ying's mouth, unable to take more. And once again both forgot their worries and fell asleep with smiles.

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