2. The Encounter

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"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Wei ying came running, holding his soul which was about to leave his body over the fear of a street dog.

At the middle of the street he saw two men walking towards his direction, with a self saving instinct he ran and stood behind one of the guys in white robes and held his waist tight from behind stuttering "s-save m-ee" "ssave me from this evil creature"

Lan zhan stood there like a stone, giving a death glare at the dog which backed off at that. Not knowing how to remove the other person from his body who was practically hugging him, he removed finger by finger until he pulled the hand away and stopped in mid air when someone shouted from behind.

"Stupid brat, I told you not to go alone, flirting around with girls, look what you have become" It was Jiang cheng who ran towards them with a concerned face. Wei ying popped out his head at Jiang cheng's direction while Lan zhan pushed him away. Stumbled at the sudden push, losing balance he was about to fall down when Xichen held him tightly. This move made Lan zhan frown.

"Nuisance" he muttered.

Wei ying smiled at Xichen and elder Jade was reading the face of his brother.

Jiang cheng came closer, pulled Wei ying to his side and greeted Xichen with a bow, he ignored Lan zhan who pushed his brother away in front of his eyes. He punched his brother once and hugged him tightly. "Leave us alone once again and I will feed you to the dogs" he scowled.

Wei ying who regained his composure after the life saving run from dog, replied to Jiang cheng in a childish voice "A'cheng loves xianxian" he smiled brightly. Then he looked at the person who he used as a shield, he felt a current passing through his veins. 'What are these eyes doing to me?' he blushed, gave his bunny smile then scratched his head.

"Thanks for saving me, I am Wei Wuxian of Yunmeng Jiang sect" he introduced himself with a variety of emotions running through his face. He was not sure how to deliver the feelings he is feeling now.

Lan zhan glared at him, shook his head and looked at his brother so that they may leave the place soon. Xichen being the kind person, answered Wei ying "Welcome young master Wei, I am Lan Xichen and this is my brother Lan Wangji. We are in a hurry to attend an important event, If you do not mistake us, we will see next time"

"Remember me" Wei ying shouted from behind once the Lan brothers started walking their way.

"Enough of your madness, now come back with me to the inn, shijie is waiting, we must start to Gusu" said Jiang cheng in a strict tone.

"Aiya you are a mad dog Jiang cheng, look what have i got" said Wei ying opening his bag which showed two jars of Emperor's smile. The Yunmeng siblings started a day before from Lotus pier and took an inn in caiyi town before they reached cloud recesses. And that's when Wei ying came out as he wanted to taste the famous Emperor's smile.

'How can a person be so annoying?' 'A man with no decency, flirting with girls!!!' 'Letting random men touch him' 'He must be a shameless person'

Lan zhan cursed in his head, as he remembered the other guy scolding this shameless person that he is a flirt, also the way he was about to fall on his brother. His heart wantedly forgot the part that he was the one who pushed him away. He kept imagining the guy flirting with girls which put him in endless irritation.

Lan Xichen had never seen such a strong expression on his baby brother's face, that too over a silly incident. Even during most critical situations, Lan zhan's face would stay the same. And this young master managed to pierce this ice.

Once they reached Lan Yi's house, Lan Yi's mother welcomed the brothers with a warm hug. She and Lan zhan's mother were friends and that is the reason Lan Yi got Lan zhan as a friend.

Both the families spoke about how fortunate they are to take this relationship further. Lan Yi smiled at Lan zhan, while Lan zhan gave a nod in acceptance. Since the marriage date is to be decided after two years, the engagement ceremony ended with a simple party.

Back in Gusu, the Yunmeng siblings were given rooms and Wei ying shared a room with Jiang cheng. In the midst of night, Wei ying was still awake, he felt restless and his legs started moving towards his shijie's room. The whole day after they reached cloud recesses he did not move a bit from his bed thinking about the mesmerising encounter he had in the morning. Even Jiang cheng wondered why his brother was behaving weird, very weird!.. Little did he know that it is somehow related to that man they met earlier. Wei ying with his menace brain cells, lying down motionless staring at the ceiling is not a simple problem. So Jiang cheng thought he should keep an eye on his brother since having a hearty conversation is not his style.

Yanli's room is a little far from the boys room, so Wei ying had to walk for a few minutes to reach and share his feelings with his shijie. Lan zhan who was on night watch, saw a glance of shadow moving in the corridor. He speeded up his movements and got a glimpse of "the shameless guy", he was sure that it was him, just as he was about to call out to him, Wei ying knocked and entered Yanli's room.

Lan zhan walked close to the room wondering why he was here in cloud recesses. 'is he joining as a student here?' 'No way Gusu will accept a shameless person like him'. As he stood there with thoughts, he heard the voices inside the room. "I knew you would come to me, now say what is in your heart?" asked Yanli.

'What is in his heart? Why is he talking about this to this person?!' Lan zhan frowned.

"Shijie, what is love?"

'oh shijie it is'

"So A' Xian is in love," Yanli giggled, patting Wei ying's head."

"Am I?" Wei ying looked at Yanli with wide eyes.

"Who is she?" Yanli asked.

"I will tell you soon" Wei ying answered as he himself is not aware of the whereabouts of Lan zhan other than his name Lan Wangji.

"Shijie is the best, I was not sure how to calm myself until i spoke to you" Wei ying said lying on Yanli's lap.

"I am happy that you like someone. Now go to sleep, we have classes tomorrow"

Lan zhan heard the conversation, he was waiting in front of the room to confront Wei ying for breaking the rule by roaming after 9 pm, but hearing the confession his heart sensed pain, he was not able to stand there anymore so he left the place, walked aimlessly until he reached the cold pond. Wei ying returned to his room.

'Why does his love concern me?'

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