5. Not Mine

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"Drinking is proh..." Lan zhan stopped what he was saying when he saw tears rolling down Wei ying's cheeks.

He felt a sharp pain in his heart. But what he saw confused him. Wei ying was smiling widely showing his bunny teeth but unstoppable tears were making their way down. He smiled yet he cried. It was an indescribable emotion that Wei ying's face portrayed. In an instant Lan zhan forgot the reason why he came there.

Wei ying lifted his arm which was holding the emperor's smile and the backside of his fingers started caressing Lan zhan's cheeks which turned pink. Lan zhan broke his trance and said "drinking is prohibited in cloud recesses"

"Not mine," Wei ying mumbled, looking deep into the eyes of the man for whom he had fallen for without bounds. He was not listening to whatever Lan zhan said.

'Such an impudent act, he is holding the jar in his hand, yet he has the audacity to say it's not his'

He shrugged off Wei ying's hand and said "come near the rock wall to get your punishment of 50 whip lashes by tomorrow morning." By saying that Lan zhan left the place without turning back.

Next day morning Wei ying was not present in class. Lan zhan's eyes travelled outside the classroom through the window hoping for someone to pop out of nowhere. Few people who would've known the reason for Wei ying's absence included his uncle, and Wei ying's siblings. However he cannot bring himself to ask his uncle since he knew that it would not do any good. Jiang cheng gave death glare while Yanli was deep in thoughts to notice Lan zhan. Once the classes got over, Yanli rushed out of the hall without giving any time for Lan zhan to ask her. So Lan zhan decided he should visit Wei ying personally.

Lan zhan walked through the corridors of student's chambers, he wanted to visit Wei ying in his room but he walked past it. How could he barge into the room without any reason. They were not friends, nor did he treat Wei ying well during the times Wei ying approached him. It was the third time when Lan zhan mustered up the courage to knock the door, Jiang cheng opened it before he could.

"What brings you here, Hanguangjun?" Jiang cheng asked in an annoyed tone.

Lan zhan glared at him without giving any response.

"If nothing, you may leave"

Lan zhan did not know what to say. He needed a topic to enter the room.

"Wei ying broke the rule by drinking last night." Lan zhan said.

"So you are here to take him to the rock wall?" Jiang cheng now looked worried.

Lan zhan entered the room ignoring Jiang cheng. Lan Qiren, who happened to pass by, saw his nephew outside Wei ying's room and heard the conversation.

Lan zhan saw the pale looking Wei ying who was fine the last night, lying down on the bed with eyes closed. He was shivering, cocooning himself with the covers.

"He is having a fever" "Isn't he coming?" Jiang cheng's words were cut off by Lan Qiren who was standing near the door.

"But... Can I take the punishment for him?"

Jiang cheng looked at Lan Qiren with pleading eyes which went unbothered by the latter. Wei ying who opened his eyes a while back when he heard Lan Qiren's voice, now tried to get up from bed after listening to the conversation.

"I am the one who." Wei ying cut off Jiang cheng who was about to expose himself about the liquor by saying "Jiang cheng, take me there,"

Lan zhan stormed out of the room unable to witness Wei ying in this state. He felt guilty, angry and sad. Guilty for bringing the punishment topic, angry that it is the rule to punish which he cannot defend, sad that Wei ying has to be punished when he already looked so fragile.

Jiang cheng clenched his fist, supported Wei ying by holding his shoulder to walk and slowly they reached the place. Few seniors were standing there, and they asked Wei ying to kneel down facing the wall. Wei ying felt completely weak due to fever, which made him stumble each time the lash landed on his skin. After the initial 10 lashes Wei ying could not hold on any longer, he supported his body by placing the hands on the ground. Yanli who was coming towards Wei ying's room with herbal tea to ease fever, heard the news and came running.

"A'xian" she called out, pain visible in her eyes.

Wei ying saw her, forced a smile to show that he will be fine.

At the end of 50 whips, Wei ying's body gave out and he collapsed on the ground. The siblings brought him back to his room and Yanli applied medicine to ease the pain.

Lan xichen visited Lan zhan in his jingshi where his younger brother was seen meditating.

"You look worried Wangji"

Lan zhan opened his eyes but did not answer.

Xichen started discussing some sect problems, which needed suggestions from his brother.

"Someone i know is sick" Lan zhan said interrupting Xichen's talk.

"Is that your friend?"


"Then why are you worried?"

After thinking for a few seconds, Xichen continued his question as Lan zhan seemed reluctant to answer.

"I guess your special someone got punished for rules violation, if i am not wrong!" Xichen said with a smirk.How could he not know when he was the one who got informed by Jiang cheng about Wei ying being sick before classes started for the day.

Lan zhan raised his eyebrows surprised by his brother's statement.

"I shall suggest Jiang cheng to take that special someone to cold spring once the fever subsides" Xichen continued with a smile.

Lan zhan felt relieved.

Back in Wei ying's room, Nie huaisang, Wen ning and Wen qing visited him. They stayed with him till evening before leaving for their rooms.

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