6. Yearning

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Lan zhan's pov

For an entire decade I had been alone without anyone except my brother and ofcourse Lan yi. Even Lan yi used to visit me just once in a while. Though I was alone throughout these years, never have I felt lonely as I did in these past 4 days.

My daily routine is the same. I am carrying out my duties without losing track. But somehow I miss something. More like my soul is missing it's essence.

Morning during classes I find myself getting distracted. I feel that the classes are not as interesting as they used to be. In the evenings my garden time with Lan yi which she recently started, normally we engage in talks about our childhood and discuss subjects of our classes, though I do not initiate any conversation, I attentively listen to whatever she says. Past 4 days I just hear her out, most of the time I don't even try to know what she is saying until and unless she directs any questions towards me.

And I am seeing a playful side of my brother recently. He talks to me in a teasing tone and I could see his lips curving upwards whenever he talks about Wei ying. Yes, he mostly asks me about Wei ying. Brother is close to Jiang cheng, through which he shares with me about Wei ying and his health. Though I do not like that shameless guy, weirdly I look forward to my brother's talks about Wei ying. It lightens the mood and feels heartwarming when that idiot's name is involved in a topic.

At night watch it feels even more lonely, the image of Wei ying with tears stays still. From what I heard from my brother, he is not the type of person to cry. He will be resuming classes tomorrow. This night feels too long, my body and mind is trained to sleep exactly at 9 pm which does not seem to work today. I feel excited for tomorrow for an unknown reason.

And my brother asked me whether I am completely fine with the engagement between me and Lan yi for which I did not answer. The answer is no but I do not know the reasoning. Don't I need to figure out the reason before I answer him! And I did not visit Wei ying. I restricted myself from seeing him. From my brother's updates I know he is getting well, I cannot see him in pain. Maybe I am feeling guilty for what happened.

Wei ying's pov

I do not know how many days have passed but I hate being caged due to my health. Truth to be told, I miss Lan zhan. He is engaged however I wish I could get a glance of him and not being able to see him suffocates me. I miss being present in the same class as him. To my relief, Zewujun is visiting me everyday. From the way he speaks, I know Lan zhan is doing fine.

Not sure whether Lan yi shared my liking to Lan zhan. I am confused as to how I should behave with Lan zhan tomorrow. Behavior has never been a concern to me in my life so far. Some see me as a playful person, and some as shameless, some others as a person having carefree personality. I never cared about those but everything becomes a concern when it involves Lan zhan. I won't act as a different person in front of him, however I do not wish to burden him with my feelings.

3rd person's pov

Morning came and Lan zhan, who usually enters the classroom with his uncle after everyone, was seen waiting for someone.

"Keep your ass away from him if you do not want me to inform father to take you back to yunmeng" Jiang cheng said to Wei ying evilly as they started from their room after taking their sister.

"Aiyah Jiang cheng, how many times have you told this already?"

"I will until you realize how dumb you are to fall for a cold stone"

"Says the guy who does not have courage to confess but peeks enough to bore a hole on Wen Q"Aahhhhhhh" Wei ying screamed as Jiang cheng kicked his leg.

He faked a painful expression enough to capture his shijie's attention.

"A'xian, are you alright? Is it painful? A'cheng can't you be a little careful?!"

Yanli shot out questions as she scanned Wei ying's face.

"Jie only you will believe this idiot's words. Look at him, he is making faces"

He was about to punch him again when Wei ying called out "Wen Qing!! Wen ning, here"

Jiang cheng stopped at once and his face bloomed in a second.

"Shijie look at Jiang cheng's face" Wei ying whispered to Yanli who smiled and shook her head.

"Young master Wei, it feels great to see you" Wen ning said after the Wen siblings greeted Yanli and Jiang cheng.

"Are you following the medicines I prescribed?" Wen qing was concerned about Wei ying.

"Yes" before Wei ying could complete Jiang cheng said "Yes, still it would be helpful if you could visit us few more days until he is completely fine"

"Ahem 'cough' 'cough' oh yeah, I still need improvement," Wei ying said, winking at his brother.

"Stop overdoing it" Jiang cheng mouthed.

Lan zhan's lips curved upwards when he heard the giggling sound of his shameless guy. 'It feels like an interesting day' Lan zhan thought.

Wei ying and the gang arrived inside the classroom but Wei ying never dared to look at Lan zhan's side while Lan zhan was looking only at him since the time he entered the class.

"Wangji can you explain this to me?" Lan yi asked Lan zhan, opening her notes, whose eyes were glued to Wei ying.

"Yes" Lan zhan replied without turning his head.

"Here" she nudged Lan zhan's arms with her notes.

'Am I being too careful not to look at him' Wei ying asked himself as he tried to act normal.

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