18. Us

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Wei ying sat leaning his back on the tree, this time not in the tree branch but on the ground. He missed his Mama and Baba with whom he used to stargaze like this, when they used to travel along with their little donkey.

'Mama and Baba, are you watching me?

I wish I could bring my Lan zhan here to meet you. Do you know mama, he gives me the same warmth that I felt only with you and shijie. And he is brave like Baba. I will get a donkey and name it after our little apple, and travel with my Lan zhan.'

Wei ying stroked his chenqing, which is the only possession he had with him, from his parents. He felt content having Lan zhan in his life, as his partner. He played his chenqing, with happiness. His dark energy emitted, like tides, caressing Wei ying.

Lan zhan who knew where Wei ying would be, reached the same spot where he watched Wei ying from a day back.

He did not want to disturb Wei ying who was playing his chenqing, he took gradual steps so as to not make any noise and sat next to him. Wei ying was so immersed in the music that he did not hear any sound. But when that familiar fragrance of sandalwood, which belonged to his Lan zhan hit his nose, he opened his eyes, his lips parted from chenqing.

Lan zhan was listening to the music with eyes closed. He shined like the moon, the cloud patterned robes and his forehead ribbon which had silver carvings, shined like stars, doing justice to his moonly appearance.

'How did he know this place?'

The sudden stop of music made Lan zhan open his eyes. From Wei ying's expression he knew he had a lot of things to explain. But before that his heart wanted something else, to have Wei ying all for himself.


Wei ying could not continue when Lan zhan's thumb touched his lips, in a second his confused state turned into a romantic one.

'Yes we are gonna kiss!!' his heart screamed.

Wei ying had the same magical effect whenever he looked into Lan zhan's eyes. And now, he felt as if the universe belonged to him. Yes, it's true that his Lan zhan belonged to him, only to him.

Lan zhan placed Wei ying on his lap, facing him, by pulling him in a swift movement, and crashed his lips onto Wei ying's lips, nibbling like it was fragile. Wei ying felt how Lan zhan was restricting himself, not to exert any force, the kiss was soft and gentle. To break the restriction, Wei ying started implementing the things he learnt in books about passionate kisses. Taking that as a sign, the corner of Lan zhan's lips curled up before devouring Wei ying's lips in full.

The kiss lasted for who knows how long, both had love and immense joy as they stayed, their foreheads still connected.

"Mine" Lan zhan said, securing Wei ying's face in his palms.

"Yours" Wei ying replied as he nuzzled his face into the crooks of Lan zhan's neck.

"Come to Jingshi after classes tomorrow, remember to avoid Lan yi." Lan zhan informed him, before they went to their rooms. For Lan zhan knew that he cannot allow Wei ying to come to this place again, which is not safe enough now, and if they meet at the garden, there are high chances of running into Lan yi, so discussing things in jingshi where no one is allowed is the easy way.

Though Lan zhan did not explain why he has to avoid Lan yi, it made sense to Wei ying that she is the reason how Lan zhan knew about his tree and why Lan zhan was not surprised by his dark energy.

Wei ying did not remember having his uncle and aunt in cloud recesses until he saw them waiting outside their room.


"Is this how you protect my children?! Did you think that I sent you here to play around?!" Madam Yu yelled.

Wei ying who did not understand to what extent she knew things, looked for help. Jiang cheng signalled him to seal his mouth, standing a little away from his mother. Yanli came for rescue with her ultimate weapon, the lotus pork rib soup.

"Mother, let's have dinner together as family"

Meanwhile, Fengmian took Madam Yu to the dinner table and the family had their dinner at peace, before the Jiang couple started from cloud recesses bidding bye.

"Mother was angry that you did not come back soon, good thing that you are not going back to yunmeng, otherwise you would have seen her wrath." Jiang cheng explained.

"Now tell me, how was your day with young master Lan" Yanli smiled looking at Wei ying for which the other blushed.

He bit his lower lip unintentionally which brought his siblings attention to his swollen lips.

"That answers my question" Yanli was so happy that she jumped around Wei ying clasping her hands.

"Stupid, don't get caught"

"Still there are people in cloud recesses, who do not know that I love Lan zhan?!!!"

"Just do not ruin their vision by smooching around on open ground, in daylight, like you did today."

"That is showing love, Jiang cheng"

"Yeah, show your love in front of Uncle qiren, and he will show you the way out of yunshen"

"A'cheng." Yanli eyed him to stop being negative.

"Do not worry my angry lotus brother, I will be cautious until we get his permission"


"Yes, Wangji"


"Do you have something to say?"




"Okay, tell me when you are ready. I am all ears for my brother"

'Should I inform my brother about Lan yi? Okay, Let's tell him if Wei ying feels like it'

"Have you decided when to talk to uncle?"


"You know brother supports you in everything you do right?"

Lan zhan nods.

"Aren't you late for your love watch?"


'Brother really knows everything about me'

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