13. Beautiful Maiden

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Lan zhan's pov

It was an interesting day. Why? Wei ying did not come to class. Is that the reason why I am happy? Definitely not. My brother took me to the nearby town for a search regarding yin metal. Though my sect disciples had already searched enough, we wanted a personal visit to begin our investigation on it. From the time we started from cloud recesses I had a strange feeling of being followed. It's a normal thing to feel so especially when you are investigating. We reached the town but like how my sect disciples informed us, we did not get a clue. Just a few talismans here and there scattered in the dead man's house and no new faces were spotted by the town people in the past few days. There is nothing we could do other than to be watchful and wait.

"I have a feeling like we are being followed," my brother said.

When my eyes looked around I did not find anyone harmful. Just a typical village street with people doing their day to day activities. When I looked around, two maidens caught my attention. To be precise, that one maiden.

"Beautiful" my lips uttered without any control over my mind. I had a feeling that years of my waiting had come to an end. But those two eyes were avoiding mine.

"Uh,.. what did you say wangji?"

Xichen saw those maidens, zoomed in for a moment and his eyes smiled in realisation when he found a specific object which one of those maidens had.

"Ehem.. Never in my life have I thought I would see my brother blushing," my brother said.

'Wait, Am I blushing?!'

Looks like those young maidens found that they were caught red handed. They had their faces hidden behind fans. Only their eyes were visible since the time I spotted them.

'Those eyes' 'Indeed beautiful'

They started walking faster, no, they were literally running away from us.

Wei ying's pov

Staying away from someone you treasure is something you can't handle. Me, staying away from Lan zhan, ugh.. I was happy when Uncle Qiren sent me away with a punishment. But I wish to see my Lan zhan. As I was racking my brain about how to get a glimpse of my Lan zhan without his knowledge, my buddy Nie huaisang who seems to have got punished just like me, tapped my shoulder.

"You know, it's so boring in class without you"

"I miss him already"

"What? Whom? You mean, Lan wangji?"

"Yes" I nod.

"You are hiding from him? That is why you are here, alone, sulking?"

Though huaisang is slow when it comes to studies, he has a brain that works really well for things other than that.

"I don't understand why you are hiding though! Can't you just walk into class to see him?"

As I sat there without giving him any response, he left in a while.

After about an hour's time, he came again, now carrying a bag in hand.

"Let's go to your Lan zhan"

"In disguise," he added.

I blinked thinking whether it would be feasible since almost everyone knows me well here in cloud recesses.

"I heard zewujun saying he is going out with Lan wangji to a nearby village, Quick" he continued like he read what's going on my mind.

He handed me a pink dress layered with red. We rushed outside the cloud recesses and reached our hideout, just outside it. After struggling with the costume and hair, I somehow managed to finish it.

'But What do I do with my face?'

He handed me a fan. We both laughed at each other's disguise.

We waited for another one hour and saw my Lan zhan and zewujun coming out of cloud recesses. Thankfully they did not mount their swords to travel.

We maintained a safe distance from them and would stop from time to time to avoid any suspicion. I could not see Lan zhan well due to the fair distance but I am glad he is there right in front of my eyes. I wonder how the jade brothers did not notice us for so long. Following them, we reached a village south to the cloud recesses. I felt a strange energy pulling me inside. Like my body is absorbing that energy. Sensing the strength, the source must be somewhere near.

Me and huaisang stopped and waited for the brothers when they entered a house. They came out and spoke to a few other people around the house. If I am not wrong, this must be something to do with the dark energy.

As I tried to connect the dots, huaisang nudged me and broke my trance. I saw Lan zhan and zewujun coming in our direction.

"Act natural" huaisang whispered.

"Hehehe" we both giggle. Yes, we giggle and smile often and that is part of acting naturally which huaisang suggested.

Suddenly I saw huaisang sweating like hell. I turned just to see the brothers looking at us.

'Thrilling' my heart started racing when Lan zhan looked straight into my eyes. Unlike his lips, his eyes speak a lot.

Each step they took in our direction, it increased the racing speed of my heart. We can't even hide now.

"Let's move '' that's all I heard before huaisang pulled my arm and started walking.

We did not realise that we both were running until we stopped, gasping for air.

No way Lan zhan would reach us anytime sooner, as we already crossed half of the distance now.

Finally, as we were about to enter our hideout, we saw two familiar figures inside.

"Caught you lover boy, Jiang cheng" I gave my evil grin. They both were talking and holding hands.

But he did not react like I expected. Instead he started laughing his head off.

'Shit, my disguise!!!!!!'

Wen qing was controlling her laughter.

"How did you recognise us?" Nie huaisang asked.

"Dumbheads..pffffft hahahahaha"



"Seriously! How can I not identify my stupid sibling? And huaisang, even from miles away anyone can identify your fan, that you carry all the time"

'Oh my heavens! Would Lan zhan have recognised me?' 'ugh.. the things I do for love'

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