16. Goodbye my Love

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Lan zhan's pov

I want to talk to Wei ying. I should hear from him before I arrive at any conclusion. But Lan yi glued to me throughout my time in class. Taking any action in her presence would only worsen the situation. Whenever I looked at Wei ying I could feel her gaze on me. Until I hear it from Wei ying himself, I will not make any move. Uncle informed us that we will be going for a night hunt. That will be a good opportunity to talk to him. Classes came to an end and I rushed before everyone. I know my Wei ying will come looking for me. When Lan yi is present, if I happen to build a normal conversation with him I do not know what Lan yi would do. So it's better that I avoid him for now. I could not do that to him. Not him. I stopped, but when I turned, I saw Lan yi following me, giving me no chance to wait. I left, leaving my Wei ying.

'I will come back to you, Wei ying' I assured my heart.

At the Night hunt

Once we reached the forest, uncle paired up everyone and the worst part was again Lan yi was there with Wei ying. My legs took me to the direction where Wei ying was present, but I stopped not wanting to hurt him by avoiding.

"He is adorable" I heard mianmian saying looking at Wei ying.

Yes he is, but I did not like hearing from her. Right, it's mianmian. How could I forget the day they met near the garden.

"Young master Lan, Wei wuxian is my friend" she stated. Am I that obvious? But hearing this from her, I felt happy.


She saw Jin zixuan and Wei ying's shijie and went to them. If only Lan yi was not there, I could have used this time to talk to Wei ying. I saw him squatting and analysing the ground. A living corpse came and I was fighting it. Between the fight I quickly had a glance at Wei ying and that is when I saw it. A deep black tiger made of smoke, with red blood eyes was merging with my Wei ying. I quickly destroyed the corpse with my guqin and before I could go to my Wei ying, Lan yi screamed. And I saw Wei ying rushing towards Lan yi grabbing his chen qing. The nightmare I was afraid of, happened before my eyes. If others witness Wei ying there on the spot, I do not know what they will do to him.

I pulled my guqin's string and sent a blow to move him from the spot. I saw the smoke disperse into thin air as Wei ying got hit by the guqin's power. I ran towards Lan yi and I saw my brother and uncle coming towards us. Though I hurt Wei ying, I felt relieved that others did not see him. I hid Lan yi behind me, afraid she would see Wei ying. Wei ying got up and the expression he had when his eyes met mine, literally killed me. What have I done to him?

"I-I ss-aw something there" Lan yi tried to explain which is not good. I comforted her and convinced her that I would take her back to cloud recesses.

Once we reached cloud recesses, uncle summoned me and my brother to discuss the incident and I had no time to see Wei ying. I will have to wait till tomorrow, and I will meet my Wei ying and confess everything.

3rd person's pov

"Jiang sect leader Jiang Fengmian and Yu ziyuan are awaiting your presence" a messenger informed the yunmeng siblings. The three started and Wei ying held his shijie's hand while walking. He kept irritating Jiang cheng causing him to earn his barking. The family had a pleasant reunion after months and that was when Wei ying disclosed his decision.

"Uncle, Aunt, Could you take me back to Yunmeng?"

Fengmian looked worried, Jiang cheng though he was sad, he felt relieved that his brother will be away from the person who caused pain.

"What did you do this time?" Madam Yu gave him an angry glare, her zidian glowed in her finger.

"Do not threaten him! Child, can we have a talk?" Fengmian asked.

Wei ying and fengmian walked outside of the room and fengmian remained silent, giving time to Wei ying.

"I am afraid I will hurt others"

"I believe in my child that he will not and he cannot hurt others"

"I love someone"

"When are we meeting your love?"

"I am afraid I will hurt him"

"Won't you regret?"

"He will be safe"

"If that can give you peace of mind, I will take you. And who said you need permission to come to yunmeng? It's our home, Fengmian patted Wei ying's shoulder dearly.

"I will talk to the sect elders about it"

"Thank You uncle, In the meanwhile I have something important I must do before I leave"

Fengmian nodded his head and Wei ying left.

In Lan sect's main hall

The twin jades were discussing the sect activities waiting for their uncle to come. An elder in purple robes entered the room and both greeted him informing about their uncle's absence.

Xichen recognised him and they introduced each other.

"Looks like Uncle will be late, if it is not personal, would you mind giving the message to me, so that I can relay to him" Xichen asked.

"Not an issue, young man. I wish to take my son back to yunmeng"


"My elder son, Wei wuxian. It is his desire. So I would like to check with qiren whether it is possible to take him back with me."

"No" that was all Xichen and Fengmian heard before Lan zhan rushed out of the room.

He went to all the places looking for Wei ying, but did not find him anywhere.

'My love, where are you?' his heart screamed. Tears threatened to fall.

"Lan zhan"

Wei ying stood behind Lan zhan gasping for air.

"Are you alright?" Wei ying asked, looking at Lan zhan's pale face.

"Mn" Lan zhan said getting close to Wei ying.

"I have something to say" Wei ying said, stopping the other.

"I do not know whether I will get a chance to tell you this again, but if I don't now, I will regret it till the end, please hear me out''

He brought Lan zhan's palm and placed it on his chest.

"Lan zhan, I love you"

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