38- pride and hate

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December 10th, 1563.

I walked the halls of the palace with Joan at my side. I had gotten into the habit of walking a lot because of my pregnancy, but because of the cold weather and snow I couldn't do that outside anymore so I did it inside.

They bowed to me when I walked people for a long time and had to restrain myself not to laugh. Since I was the Mistress en-Titre, people treated me with more respect than before and I obviously enjoyed it.

Mary came round the corner of the corridor followed by her 4 ladies in waiting. She had a rosary in her hands which meant she was coming out of the chapel.

I made a curtsy, it wasn't as deep as before, and held my pregnant belly. I couldn't resist showing off my 5 month old belly.

She stopped for a moment and looked at me "You look good Bianca. Pregnancy seems to do you good, how many months are you now?" she said. I looked at her suspiciously, her kindness did not suit me.

"Thank you, I am now 5 months pregnant. The baby will probably be born at the end of April, so a spring baby." I smiled. "Of course you're hoping for a boy, aren't you. Afraid that a daughter would take away your title of Mistress en-Titre?." She smiled falsely.

Oh if she wanted to play it that way.

"I think a woman who becomes a mother is not concerned about the sex of the child but whether the child is healthy. It is a woman's greatest triumph to give birth to a healthy child, it is a pity that not every woman can experience that happiness" I said sweetly, smiling falsely.

Mary sniffed insultedly and walked on with her ladies-in-waiting without giving me another look.

"Have a nice day, Your Majesty" I called after her as I continued walking with Joan.


Pov Mary.

I walked off insulted after speaking to Bianca. How dare she insult me.

She had taken the man I loved from me and was now pregnant with his child, his first.

It should have been me who would give him his first son, but after almost two years of marriage I still hadn't managed to get pregnant. Bianca lay in his bed for three months and was immediately pregnant.

I hated her. Not only because she had the love of Francis but also the love of the courtiers.

Many of them hated me because I was Scottish and therefore stood on her side. I only had my uncles and their followers, of whom there were only a few, who supported me.

I hated her because she was pregnant. God only knew what I did to have a child.

But I would take my revenge on her. That was certain.

I plan to move on to April when she gives birth and announce the baby's gender in Chapter 40.

I already have a few names for a boy and a girl but I'm still hesitating to be honest. on the one hand it seems logical to me that they choose an italian name since bianca is italian but on the other hand, the child is the child of the king of france so then it should be french. what do you think?

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