Chapter 3- Late Night Visitor

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(~Your POV + Longer Time Skip~)

From the open door in the living room, I hear and see Blue enter in through his apartment door, "Friends, I'm back! I got groceries!!!"

I say absolutely nothing. Horror and I have been sitting here in silence and unpacking for hours. Occasionally, we'd make a comment about something in the boxes. That was it.

Horror stands up and goes into him and Blue's side, "Tacos for dinner again?" I watch them through the same doorway. Blue smiles, being his perfect caring and optimistic self, "Of course!!! The Magnificent Sans couldn't be magnificent without them!~ oh.. well.. Did you want something else? I apologize, I could've picked something up for you-"

Horror puts his hands in his pockets and actually smiles. It was a gentle and reassuring smile, comforting Blueberry. He gently uses one hand to pat Blue's head, not hurting him at all despite his clawed fingers, "Nah, it's fine. I love your tacos." I'm completely stunned.

'How could Horror completely turn around and switch personalities like that?! Well, maybe that is his natural personality... It's me that made him reserved and upset.'

Blue laughs a little, "Great. I'll get started on them soon. Y/N!!!!!" I flinch, quickly looking away when both skeletons turn in my direction. I act as if I was focused with my work and not eavesdropping, then turn to face them, "Yeah?"

Blue enters into my living room, seeing the progress and mess of several scattered boxes. He sighs, "Sorry I couldn't help you today. How about we continue after eating dinner?"

'He's.. inviting me to eat with them?'

I love his cooking, but after everything that happened today? I don't want to make the tension between me and Horror even worse. Blue shouldn't have to see that.

I sigh and look away, "Sorry Blue. I'm really tired. It was a long day driving and unpacking. I was just going to sleep early."

I hated to see Blue's saddened look of disappointment. But he quickly comes around, trying to empathize with my feelings, "That's okay. You're right. We can hang out more tomorrow, right?" I force a small gentle smile and nod, "Of course. Goodnight."

He waves and grabs ahold of the divider door, "Goodnight Y/N!" Blueberry closes the door, leaving me to sit here in the quiet again.

'Should I get food delivered? *sigh* No, they would notice. I'll go to bed then. Just have a big lunch tomorrow or something...'

I take a moment to look over everything scattered across the living room. There are a few boxes of clothes that I should probably bring to my room upstairs. I let out a small huff and stack two of those boxes on top of each other, carefully carrying them up the stairs (or ladder depending on the style apartment you chose/imagine).

Once upstairs in my loft bedroom, I set the boxes in front of the neatly made bed. The dresser and small closet are located right next to it. I can unpack these boxes and then I'll go to bed for the night.

(~Time Skip~)

I jolt awake, having fallen asleep on top of the bed. The air condition kicked on, which woke me up with the sudden sound and then blasted me with a wave of cold air. With no lights on except a few lamps downstairs, it's fairly dark. There's no sunlight coming through the windows either. It's the middle of the night.

'What time is it?'

I think I left my phone downstairs. Still tired, I hold my arms over my eyes, letting out a small groan. Deciding to go find it, I sit myself up and get out of bed. I quietly make my way downstairs. Through the wall, I can hear the muffled sounds of a television.

'Blue and Horror must've decided to watch a movie. Heh, hope they're having fun.'

I find my phone, laying facedown on the couch. I run one hand through my (h/c) hair, stretching it out while picking up my phone with the other. That's when a beam of bright light came from my kitchen. The fridge opened. I nearly jump out of my skin, turning towards my kitchen.

Horror is placing some small containers inside, his back turned to me. Scared and shaking out of my mind, I check my phone.

'It's after 11 pm. What the heck is he doing in here?!'

That's when I noticed something. All the boxes that were here earlier, they're empty and placed by the door.

'He.. He unpacked everything.'

Horror sighs and turns around to grab one more container for the fridge. That's when he spotted me and hardcore jumped, letting out a small scream.

I flinch and scream too, close to having a heart attack. He stands there for a moment, grabbing at his shirt while catching his breath, "Ya can't just creep up on people like that..!"

I glare at him, emphasizing the point that he's in my house in the middle of the night, while I was sleeping. He goes quiet, catching onto my reaction. Horror sighs and grabs the last container of the counter, "Blue fell asleep through the movie. It was pretty boring so I thought I'd help ya out. So, ya don't have to do any work tomorrow.... You can have more time to go hang out with Blueberry or something..." He points to the fridge placing the container inside, "These were the leftovers from the tacos. Blue wanted you to have 'em."

Little beads of sweat drop down his skull as he turns to me again but breaks eye contact, clearly embarrassed. I stare at him for a while, unsure how to react. He never turned the lights on and yet he managed to unpack every box without me noticing a thing.

I chuckle while looking around, "You have night vision and noise cancelling powers or something? I didn't even know you were here."

"Heh, is this gonna turn into an interrogation again?" He smirks, closing the fridge door. It goes dark for a second. "Pff- no! I'm just asking a question." I turn on the lights in the living room, just to see the skeleton right next to me. I scream and jump back, having a heart attack, "STOp ThaT, yA cReAtUre oF dARknEss!"

Horror laughs at me, then holds his hand out, "As you probably know, I'm a Sans. So, call me Horror. 'Creature of darkness' sounds accurate, but it's a little bit on the long side."


I feel my face heat up from embarrassment, "Sorry. I'll remember that next time." Then, I smirk and shake his hand, only to feel a small and sharp zap pulse through my arm. I shriek and pull back, causing Horror to erupt into more laughter, "GoTchA!" He shows me a small prank shocking mechanism that's connected to his hand. I haven't been pranked with one of those since middle school.

I laugh with him, putting one hand over my face, "Oh My GoD- JeRK!" He smiles wider, "Alright alright, high five instead." Through my laughter, I whine, "Alright fine."

As I go to hive five him, he tried to use the exact same hand! Learning from the first unpleasant experience, I shriek and stop myself, "HORROR!"

He laughs to the point where tears form in his eye sockets, "Okay, okay! Well.. It was nice talking to ya. Goodnight."

I let out a soft giggle, "Goodnight. Thank you..." He gives a quick smile and wave before going back into Blue's apartment and shutting the door.

I still can't help but smile, thinking about the whole bizarre experience. Once the initial adrenaline wore off, I look around, seeing exactly how much work Horror did. All that so I could hang out with Blue......

'Wait, that gives me an idea..!'

Writer~San: TwT I can't get over how cute that was lol. Hope y'all are enjoying the book so far!

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