Chapter 12- Worried For Him

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Writer~San: ALRIGHT BOIS- I'M GONNA BE A LEGEND AND PUSH THROUGH A CHAPTER! sURpRiSe! *clears throat* But first, look at a skelecat I designed and sculpted (please don't copy my art ;w;) ......... Okayyyy, moment's over.. enjoy the next chapter ( ^^)~
(~Your POV + Time Skip A Week~)

I step through the door, to find Blue is cooking dinner in my kitchen. I smirk and toss my keys on the counter, "Honey, I'm home!!!~" Blue flinches and then turns around, puzzled, "Human, my brother left days ago."

Amused by his oblivious reaction, I can't stop myself from smiling as step further into my apartment, "I know, Blue. It's a joke." I set my backpack/bag on the couch, containing some paperwork I have to fill out before going back to work in a few days.

I huff, displeased that I let my schedule get extended to the weekend, "Even my weekends are busy now." Blue continues fixing what seems to be, you guessed it, tacos, "Are you having troubles with the rent?! I'm sure Horror and I could assist-" "No, no! It's not that. Another person has been needing me to cover for them." I sigh, "They said it'll only be for a little while, until they get some personal stuff settled."

"Well, I'm sure things will resolve themselves soon enough! Don't forget to take breaks. OH- and don't stay up too late!" Blue scolds, definitely aware that I've been doing some late nights to catch up.

I give him a warm smile, trying not to laugh because he's genuinely worried, "Can't make any promises, but I'll try. K?" Blueberry's cheeks puff out a bit as he pouts at me, disappointed, "Fine. Tacos are almost ready."

'Food... That brings up another subject.'

"Thank you. You really didn't have to. I'm capable of buying and cooking meals, heh.. Um.. How did Horror do today? Did.. Did you get him to eat something?" I ask nervously, hugging myself. Blueberry pauses and then sighs, shaking his head, "I'm afraid not. If it comes to it, I'll have to start force feeding him again."

My heart feels worry and anguish, hearing Blue was unsuccessful...

'That makes it over a week since Horror has eaten anything.'

Horror keeps telling us that he's eaten something, and I bet he thinks we believe him. On the contrary, Blue and I have been closely observing Horror.

We never see him go into either of the kitchens, except when he needs to talk with us. Taking into consideration that he may be eating when we're asleep, Blue and I went so far as to record our food inventory and rations. Nothing goes missing or depletes except for when we use it. After seeing all that evidence, the answer is crystal clear.

'Horror's starving himself.'

Not only from the tests we've conducted, we've seen evidence of Horror's mood swings. He stays in his room or sleeps all day (when not at work). On the rare occasion that I do find him awake, he's sluggish and highly irritable. He can't even focus on a simple conversation without spacing out or seeming annoyed.

I can't deny that he's been a little rude to me at times. Even though I know what's causing it, that still doesn't make it okay. So, I've just kind of avoided him. That made me feel even worse.

I open up and reach into my backpack, "You know where he is now?" "Sleeping on the couch in our place. I didn't want to disturb him with my cooking so I came here."

I'm either gonna love or severely regret what's going to happen in the next two minutes, "Alright! Don't mind me, I need to give him something real quick."

Carefully, I pull a small bouquet of red roses out of my bag. As much as I tried to bring no attention to myself, Blue sees all. Lol. His pupils turn into bright blue stars as he squeals, "HUMAN!!!! YoU gOt tHOse for HoRRoR?!"

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