The End.. I Think-

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Writer~San: Horror+Kitten= Readers and Writer dying from high adorable levels. Give him a treat and he'll follow and love you always~ ... Also, hi everyone! ("^ ^)~ lol
(~Your POV~)

"Good luck. Not that you'll really need it because you're obviously his favorite~" Honey teases, seeing me head upstairs with another plate of food I fixed for Horror. I smirk and remark, "Honeybee.. Buzz off and mind your business. " "HUMAN!! NOOOO! BROTHER, YOU'VE TAINTED THEM!" Blueberry cries out in despair and lightly smacks his brother's chest. Stretch laughs and traps Blue in a hug, which only made Blueberry fuss more and even demand an apology from him. I laugh a bit and continue on my way upstairs.

Cautiously, I knock on the bedroom door before stepping into the darkened room, "Horror, are you up?" Seeing his silhouette turn over to stare at me from his bed confirmed I was right. Peering over his shoulder, I can see the bright glow of his pupil looking into mine.

He doesn't say a word, only staring at me for a moment before guiltily breaking eye contact and looking forward again to stare at the wall.

I take a deep breath and close the bedroom door behind me, "Can I turn the light on?" "Sure.." He sighs, pulling the blanket over him.

Turning the lights on was easy enough, the switch already being in my reach. This revealed claw marks in one of Horror's nearby pillows, its shredded fluff covering half the bed and spilling onto the floor. "Horror, why'd you rip up your pillow? You saw we just cleaned." I say, slightly disappointed.

Horror doesn't answer me, but instead pulls the blanket even tighter around him like a cocoon. (Writer~San: Behold~ The Horror Burrito) I sit on the bed beside him and mutter, "I swear, you're only acting up to get attention..."

'............ Wait- Is he?'

I pause for a moment before nervously asking, "You hungry?" Once again, silence fills the room. "..... Are you still feeling sick? I can get you some medicine if you need it." I inquire, feeling a little too anxious in this quiet.

Horror suddenly sits up and clings onto me, hiding his face in my shirt. His trembling body and tight grip hint to me that he's upset. Wrapping one arm around him, I sigh, "Hey, everything's alright." "You're mad at me and you have a perfectly good reason to be." He replies in a shaky tone.

"I'm not mad." I tell him, gently petting his skull for reassurance, "However, I'm very worried for you, Sans. You seriously need to eat... Starving yourself for any reason is not okay."

Carefully, I set the plate of food off to the side of us. "I brought another plate of (f/f). Want to try some?" Horror turns to the side, noticing it, but still kept half of his face hidden in my shirt. "What is it?" He mumbles, staring at it with curiosity.

I giggle and patiently explain what it is, all it's different tastes, and how it's made. Already, it's become a routine for me to explain food recipes to him. "And ya really like this stuff?" He asks, leaning over and hesitantly grabbing onto the plate. I smile and nod, "Mhm, it's really good."

He silently glanced up at me one more time before taking a small bite (whether it was with a utensil or using his hands), then another, and then AnoThEr. Soon enough, he was already close to finishing the entire plate.

I can't help but let out a squeak of my excitement as I pull him into my lap, lovingly and firmly hugging him from behind. I also cross my legs, just so I can keep him in my little imaginary box of affection. It feels so good to squish him, but I still allow him some room to move and breathe.

"Y-You did really good with cooking." Horror admits, looking down as blush forms brightly on his cheeks. "Thank you for trying it." I praise him, delivering some soft and short kisses to his skull.

The heartbeat of his soul grows much faster and louder. He gets flustered, his face getting close to being almost completely red. Instead of fussing with me, Horror stays relaxed, accepting all of my nuzzles and kisses. He continues to take bites of his food acting as if everything was completely natural. I smiled at his behavior, "Aren't you annoyed that I'm interrupting your dinner?"

Horror chuckles and turns his head back so he can see me, "Nah Sweetcakes, I'm just saving my dessert for last~"

My mind broke instantly. I shouldn't of asked.

So many flustered noises and squeaks came from my mouth as lightly slap his skull and bury my face into the back of his shoulder. Horror erupts into loud laughter, "Awwww.. Come on, Y/N. You know you love me."

He reaches one arm back to pet my head. Then, he softly runs his hand through my hair. I'm so close to dropping dead at this point. My heart is throbbing. My brain is screaming with panic and ecstasy at the same time.

I went to tell him a simple 'I do' but all that came out was a high pitched whine as I squeezed him tighter. He only chuckled, saying in a calm and sweet tone, "Y/N, it's alright.. We don't have to say it just yet if you're not comfortable."

I feel him squirm a bit before he asks, "Can ya let me go so I can face ya?" After hesitating for a full minute, I sit back and loosen up my grip. Not being able to hide my face anymore, I can imagine how flustered and silly I must look.

Horror places the empty plate off to the side and carefully turns himself around. He gives me this classic and pure smile, "Ya good, Sweetcakes?" One look at his adorable self and I swear I stopped breathing. I'm speechless and embarrassed now, tensing up and looking to the side.

He sits up to face me, joking while smiling wider, "May I give my compliments to the chef?~" I scoff and smirk, "Come on, you know it wasn't ThAt good..." "It was the best home-cooked meal I've had in a long time.... Hey, uHh- I know he's your BFF and all but do me a favor and don't tell Blue I said that." I smile and laugh, shaking my head, "I won't." Horror laughs a little too, "Good."

It was quiet for a minute as we stared into each other's eyes. I was about to say something when Horror interrupted me. His hand caresses my cheek, which then gently shifted to the back of my head. Drawn to each other, we leaned forward. Horror's mouth and mine met in a gentle kiss.

I immediately became trapped in the moment, closing my eyes and wrapping my arms around him. I hear Horror purr loudly in response as he pulls me closer. My heart skipped a beat. Being even more needy for his affection, I slightly whine and hesitate to pull away so this moment could last longer.

Not another word was said and yet Horror understood me. He took things a little further and the kiss slowly filled with more passion.

Our feelings spilled over in this simple gesture, but it perfectly represented the three words we just simply couldn't say yet.

I love you...

Your Odd Neighbor (Horror Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now