Chapter 15- Honey's Plan

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(~Your POV + Time Skip~)

Hugging my knees and tightly curled up on the couch, I block myself out from the world. "How long has it been?" Honey asks. I soon feel his hand on my shoulder. I answer him, "Over a week. We tried to get him to eat but he got mad and.... I didn't want to pressure him."

Stretch sighs, shifting farther on the couch so he would have more room for his tall figure, "Blue never did either. It was me that had to shove food down Horror's throat when it came down to it."

Horror passed out for a couple minutes. Even after waking up, he felt so sick that Blue had to help him into their room so Horror could go lay down again. I feel terrible.

'If I had pushed him harder to eat or at least a few days sooner,  we wouldn't be in this situation. Maybe I shouldn't of dragged him downstairs even though he said he was tired? I-.. I don't know.'

I run my hands through my hair, making it obvious that I'm troubled. "He's not in his universe anymore. I don't understand, why won't he let himself eat? Does his social anxiety  or skull fracture have anything to do with this? Does Horror hate himself?" I ask all these questions to Honey, who gives me a saddened glance in response, "As far as I know, my bro is the only one Horror's opened up to about things like that. Every time I asked Blue about it, he clammed up and avoided the subject."

I sigh and make a sarcastic remark, "Another dead end to the series of unanswered questions about Horror. Great, just what I needed."

Papyrus leans back, explaining, "Look... I do understand is the pressure he's been under. He couldn't escape a toxic atmosphere. The underground there is trapped by the barrier just like we were. Day by day, over and over, he had to withstand that pressure to do things that weren't right, even though his own brother accepted it."

Stretch pauses with a sigh, taking a deep breath before continuing, "Going through that sort of thing and then even more stressful situations on top of it, eventually you only feel.. helpless.. It's just the same stressful crap over and over and it seems that nothing you do can stop it. Horror's lucky, he gets a shot at a completely different life. However, his old habits and paranoia are very hard to shake off. No doubt he's seen or done some things in the past that may be haunting him. I think that deeply set paranoia is what his social anxiety is branching from."

"So, you think he's still in the mindset of his world?" I ask, just trying to settle my curiousness. "Maybe a little. Horror doesn't like going anywhere in public because of what people think of him. Heh, we all understand that. Edge and myself will get insulted or judged all the time. I shrug it off and ignore it. Edge-..... noT So muCh."

Stretch laughs before continuing, "The point is that no matter how hard we try, monsters are still seen as outcasts to most people. We're unnatural so we don't fit in. But in Horror's case, he didn't even fit in with his own kind, even before umm.." He circles the side of his skull and glances at the floor before mumbling, "The skull incident."

'If he didn't fit in there, does that mean aNOthEr mOnStEr did that to him?'

Despite my anxious thoughts, I pull all my thoughts together of what Stretch said and repeat it in my own summary, "You're saying that he developed this social anxiety....... All because he doesn't know what it's like to live in a normal setting in the first place?" "Yeah, it sure does look like it. Still doesn't really explain why he wouldn't eat though."

'It could be anything.'

I speak up, practically thinking out loud, "He ate when he was with me at the food court. Every time since then, he stopped eating. He won't even touch the food that Blueberry cooks for us, even though the two are friends. I don't know how else we could get him to eat without having to force him. I really don't like the idea of doing that to him...."

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