Chapter 4- Hanging Out

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(~Your POV + Time Skip Next Day~)

I smile and step into Blue's apartment, wearing a (f/c) t-shirt and some ripped jeans. To add some flare to my outfit, I tied my jacket around my waist and wore some of my favorite accessories.

(Writer~San: These accessories can be whatever you want. Jewelry, pins, hats, even makeup(?) lol, etc.)

"Good morning, Blue!" I smile to Blue, who's already eating breakfast. He swallows his bite of food and gets excited, "You're here!" I point to the divider door, "Well yeah, the door was unlocked."

He runs forward, tightly hugging onto my legs. I can't help but laugh now, "Hugs from a blueberry skeleton every morning? That's a tradition I can get used to." I return the hug before saying, "You know how we wanted to hang out today?"

Blue steps back and nods, but then he's filled with confusion, "Shouldn't we work on you moving in completely first? We can finish unpacking and then-" "It's already done!~" I say, excited.

Blueberry gasps, concerned, "You didn't stay up all night, did you?!" "Pff- no.. It wasn't me." When I don't see Horror in the open, I tilt my head slightly, gesturing the the closed upstairs loft while whispering, "It was him."

Blue installed sliding doors for his apartment's loft bedroom. Makes sense, so Blue could do things around the house without bothering Horror while he's relaxing in the bedroom. Or I assume it was for something like that.

Blue looks a bit surprised to hear that. I sigh and smirk, "I wanted to go do some things around town and.... UHm.." I feel slightly embarrassed as I look at the ground, "I was wondering... if.. we could take Horror with us?"

I hear a long squeal and tilt my head in confusion. When I look back to Blueberry, he's got huge sparkling stars for pupils. His gloved hands are pressed up against his mouth, partially hiding his wide smile. Being puzzled and nervous, I ask, "What?"

"YOU FINALLY ACCEPTED THAT I WAS RIGHT ABOUT HIM!" Blue shouts, getting overexcited. I smile and press my hand over his mouth for a few seconds, "SHHhhHhH- Blue! I did not! I don't want to leave him here alone." Saying that, I didn't sound convincing at all. Blue laughs, making me smile wider.

'He's seriously too adorable sometimes.'

A slow humming noise comes from the sliding doors upstairs as they open. Horror drowsily peeks out, wearing a plain white T-shirt and some black shorts, "Blue??? What's going on with you...?"

Blue is quick to answer him, "We're going hang out! Get dressed!" Horror arches an eyebrow, now seeing that I'm here too, "What?" Blue huffs and goes upstairs, walking past him in the open doorway, "Must I do everything for you? You're coming too so let's find you a fresh outfit to wear. The human doesn't need to see you in your night clothes."

Horror glances to me, and I do a small little wave to him. Horror looks to the side, and then vanishes back into the room.

(~Time Skip~)

Blue comes out first, wearing dark blue jeans, and a grey shirt with some bright blue and black designs in the shape of lightning. This gives him his cool factor. Of course, he's still wearing his light blue scarf and boots to match the outfit.

"Oooooooh Blue, you look so cool!" I smile. "Mweh heh heh! Thank you, Y/N! Horror should be out in a moment." Sure enough, Horror did come out a second later. He's wearing a dark red t-shirt with some black shorts, and even a beanie. Printed on the shirt is a row of random food emojis.

He looks so embarrassed, constantly messing with his arms and fixing the beanie.

'He looks so cute, omg.'

I smirk and decide to tease him, "Looking tasty, Horror." His face glows fully red and his pupil shrinks. Horror turns around completely around within a second, going back into the room, "BLUE- I ToLd YoU! I'M NOT GOING, THIS LOOKS RIDICULOUS!"

I end up laughing, watching the poor thing get flustered and run off for no good reason. Blue elbows my arm, silently scolding me. I bite my lip and look away, trying to keep quiet from now on. "Horror, that's not true! A lot of humans share the same love of food. They wouldn't make shirts like that if they didn't!" Blue responds, going back into the room and forcibly dragging him downstairs.

Horror is growling the entire time, pulling the beanie forward over his face. He must be dying without his jacket. Blue sighs and looks to me, "So where did you want to go, Y/N?" "Have you been to the new mall that opened a little while ago?" When Blue shakes his head, I smirk, "I hear they have tOnS of shops full of CooL things." Blue immediately takes the bait, shouting, "To ThE mALL!"

Horror groans louder as Blue drags him out of the apartment. I chuckle, feeling a small sense of guilt for dragging him into this. However, it seems that he doesn't get out much. I needed to thank him for all the help somehow.

(~Another Time Skip~)

I drove us to the mall with no problems. The main commotion only started once we got there. Horror's had second thoughts and only started to put up a fight now. He cornered himself in the far corner of the back seat. Blue's been spending the past 10 minutes or so trying to pull him out. Yet another group passes in front of my car, slowing down their pace just to watch the chaos through the front windshield.

I groan and look down, hiding my face, "Horror, it's not that bad. Come on, you two are making a scene." "I told ya I'm NOt GoINg!" Horror shouts, furious, "And get this stupid thing off my skull!" I flinch as he throws the beanie across the car, hitting my window.

I take a deep breath and turn around, using my dead serious glare and tone, "THAT'S IT, HORROR! This is my car! Blue and I came here to have a good time and we wanted you to have a good time too! I've tried to be patient earlier because you're nervous. Now, you're just acting like some little kid! GET OUT OF THE CAR."

I take the keys out of the ignition and get out of the car, firmly shutting the door behind me.
Both skeletons are looking at me, completely shocked by the outburst. Although, it only took a minute before Horror gave up and got out too with Blue. I huff and lock the car, "THaNk yOu. Let's go."

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