❤️ CHAPTER 6 ❤️

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Finding Sweetheart(Chapter 6)

Next day at the lotus pond :-

Vansh: You are managing your studies,job and me at the same time. Why are you being so nice to me?

Riddhima: Because I love you.

Utter silence prevailed the place.Riddhima bit her tongue thinking what she told.The feelings which she wanted to hide so much from Vansh made its way through her words.She thought that now Vansh will hate her.He will hate her to no bounds.She will lose him.To manage the situation, she told him a lie.

Riddhima: Ah....Actually I was joking. See! you got fooled, na!

Suddenly she felt a harsh pull and she collided with his chest.She couldn't even process her thoughts and her lips were in his.Riddhima's eyes wanted to bulge out of her socket.He was tasting her rosy lips as if it were strawberry. Playing with her lips,he was giving her body a different sensation.
He was biting,sucking and nibbling her lips.Butterflies fluttering in her stomach making her go weak on her knees.
Roaming his hands on slender waist he pulled her closer to him,deepening the kiss.At first,Riddhima didn't reciprocate to the kiss.But when Vansh pinched her waist,she opened her mouth to let him enter his tongue.She was enjoying the kiss utterly though she was confused.She moaned his name in between the kiss leading him to smirk.After few minutes,owing to the shortage of oxygen, they broke the kiss and joined their forehead.

Vansh: Stop lying to me!Sweetheart.(in a deep baritone voice and caressing her cheeks with his thumb)

Riddhima: When did I lie to you?(masking her emotions)

Vansh: Stop lying to me that you don't love me.

Riddhima got surprised that he knew about this.

Riddhima: But how do you know that?

Vansh: I heard everything that day. That day when you were talking to your friend,I heard everything.

Riddhima: That means....

Vansh: That means I LOVE YOU TOO,my little sweetheart!

Riddhima: Really?(she asked like a little child)

Vansh: Sweetheart, you really don't know how much I have fallen for you.You have no idea what you mean to me.You are the light of my life.I was in darkness but you came to my life and made it bright with your light.I had no hopes in my life but you became the ray of hope.I love you so much Sweetheart.

Riddhima: I love you too Vansh and now I can't imagine my life without you.I thought that you would never accept my love.I.... I thought that you would reject me.

Vansh: And why did you think so?

Riddhima:I thought that you would take my love as my sympathy. But I don't pity you Vansh.I...I really love you.(saying this she started sobbing)

Vansh: Shhhh!!!Sweetheart. You don't need to give me an explanation. Just be mine sweetheart and never leave me alone.

Riddhima: I'll never leave you alone.

Vansh: Sweetheart, once I get my sight back I'll take you with me and we'll get married. I promise you a bright future sweetheart.

Saying this,Vansh took her to a bone crushing hug.Riddhima chuckled hearing his plans for their future.But only Riddhima knew that how much scared she was.She was scared that if the surgery doesn't work, Vansh will lose all his hopes of living.This mere thought made her shudder into fear.Only she knew how much hard to she had to work on making him happy and recovering his mental health. She prayed to God not to snatch his happiness from him.Her thoughts were broken when she felt a soft kiss on her cheeks.She smiled and looked at Vansh. Not wasting any more time she fused her lips with his.


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I'll be coming up with a new chapter. Till then stay fit and fine.

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