❤️ CHAPTER 8 ❤️

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Finding Sweetheart (Chapter 8)

It was a bright morning.Azure colour was painted on the sky impeccably.The sun was tainted in crimson red.The wind was blowing gently.Flowers were dancing on the beats of the swaying wind.Birds were chirping in their beautiful voice.Nature was in its most vibrant form.The green leaves of the trees were looking greener than before.

Among all these, two people were running in the green field.These two people were so much in love with one another.Their giggles could easily be heard. Their endless talk and mischevious banter could prove their pure love for each other.

The boy was running behind the girl in order to catch her but the girl was way too naughty.Whenever she was about to be caught, she played this or that prank on him to distract him from catching her.

But the problem was that the boy was unable to see the girl's face as he was behind her.No matter how much the boy tried to see her face, he couldn't.

"How much will you run away from me, sweetheart? ",asked the boy.

"As much as I can!", said the girl while grinning mischievously.

Now it was getting out of his control. After so many attempts, he got close to her and held her hand and tucked her from behind.

" See! I caught you."

But as soon as she turned around, she dissolved into thin air.

She disappeared once again.
"NO!!!!!!",he screamed. Sweatbeads formed on his forehead.He was drenched in sweat.He reduced the temperature of the AC to feel cold.

" Why did you leave me that day?Why? I wish I could find you.",saying this he went to the washroom to calm his inner turmoil.He turned on the shower and let the cold water touch his skin.

His wounds were deep.This wound was deeper than any physical injury as it was given by the love of his life. Her departure from his life has made him vulnerable. He has become more ruthless.The world knows him as an arrogant and ruthless businessman but only he knows how much broken he is. How much broken his heart is.The one who once gave him a reason to live,a reason to laugh is now absent from his life. And what troubles him the most is that he doesn't even know the reason of her departure.

Her thoughts occupied his mind.He again gets drowned in the past.The memory of that fateful day became fresh in his mind.

Flashback(The day of Vansh's surgery):

That day when Vansh came back to the place where Riddhima lived he didn't find any of her belongings except a jar full of stars.He was devastated at that time.And on top that he didn't know the name of his girlfriend.

Yes!He didn't know her real name. What he only knew that the girl whom he loved madly was Ruhi.But it was the irony of fate that he never asked her full name.So wherever he looked for her, he didn't get a single clue.

On such fine day, when he was finding Riddhima cluelessly his PA Angre found him in the streets. Angre was on cloud nine.Because he got his boss.What could he ask for.His mother was at last in peace.Her son is back.THE VANSH RAI SINGHANIA IS BACK.THE KING OF BUSINESS WORLD IS BACK TO HIS THRONE.

And thus the biggest news of Vansh Rai Singhania remaining alive spread like a fire all over the town.It became the talk of the town. This news was a shocker for everyone. Many people became happy but some were very much tensed as the KING HAS RETURNED TO HIS RIGHTFUL THRONE.

And since that day, his mother wants him to marry Ahana Malhotra,the daughter of their business partner but who can make his mother understand that he has lost his his heart long ago to someone else.And the owner of his heart is now missing. Sometimes he gets really angry on her for leaving him like this and that anger can only express that how much he misses her.What was his fault that she left her like that?Was he just a time pass to her?But he is also Vansh Rai Singhania.He has pledged to find out his sweetheart at any cost.And this when he finds her he will punish her severely for leaving him like that.

Flashback ends.

With these thoughts hovering over his mind, Vansh comes out of the washroom and gets ready as it is his first day at RS Group of companies.


A woman in her late twenties opened the curtains of her room and the sunlight disturbed the sleep of a cute little girl.This pampered kid is her mumma's princess.

"Rishitaaa!!!Get up honey. Time for breakfast!!!!"

"No mumma! I wanna sleep more."

"No more sleep.You have to go to school darling."

"Mumma!!! Please na!!Let me sleep for at least 5 minutes."

"Ok!!You keep sleeping and I am going to office."

"No mumma!Ok fine.I have woken up."

Riddhima chuckled at her child's innocence. She scooped her in her arms safely and brushed their noses.Rishita giggled at this. Riddhima planted a soft kiss on Rishita's forehead.Rishita got down and went to the washroom hurriedly.

After getting ready,Riddhima dropped Rishita at her school and went to her office. The taxi stopped before RS Group of companies. She got down from the taxi and entered the building.

The door of the lift was going to close. Riddhima saw this and entered the lift hurriedly.

"Bachgayi!Nahi toh bohot late ho jata!"
(Thank God!Otherwise I would have got too late.)

Saying this she turned her face and what she saw just blew her mind.

"Hay bappa!"(Oh My God), were the last words that escaped her mouth.


Holaa buddies!!!!How're you all?I know that you all have forgotten me.Some of you might be upset with me also that I post so late.I am so sorry for that.*making puppy face*.
As I told you before that I am preparing myself for University admission exam. That's why,I stay busy all the time and don't get sufficient time. Accha don't forget to comment and vote.I love to read your lovely comments.Stay fit and fine.And I'll come back with a new chapter very soon.
This chapter is dedicated to @SaraGaytri


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