❤️ CHAPTER 12 ❤️

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Finding Sweetheart (Chapter 12)

At the lawn of Riddhima's house:

Riddhima reached home with a frown on her face. She didn't expect Vansh to do all the things. Has he recognized her? Has he come to know about her? Riddhima thought all these things and she was about to fall. Kabir noticed this and held her. He grabbed her waist and made her stand properly. This moment was enough to send him jitters.

Kabir: Hey! Riddhima! Be careful. You were about to fall.

Riddhima: Thanks Kabir.

Kabir: Where are you lost Riddhima? I can feel that something is wrong. Is everything alright?

Riddhima: Yeah everything is alright.

Should I tell Kabir whatever happened at the office? Should I tell him that Vansh has returned? (In mind)

Kabir! I want to tell you something.

"Mumma!", someone shouted loudly from the house and came running to Riddhima. A big smile crept on Riddhima's lips. The girl hugged Riddhima's legs from behind and Riddhima turned.

The girl was none other than Rishita.

Rishita; Mumma! I was waiting for you for such a long time! You are so late today! I won't talk to you. Katti!

Riddhima: Awww! My darling! Mumma is sorry. Actually mumma had so much work today. That's why mumma got a little bit late. Please forgive your mumma or else I will tickle you.

Riddhima started tickling Rishita and Rishita bursted out laughing. Kabir was smiling seeing them together. After all, he loved Riddhima and her daughter dearly. He knows that Riddhima will never agree to marry him but how can he pacify his heart? He hopes to tell her about his feelings very soon.

Rishita: Ok! Rishita forgives mumma. But If you get late next time, Rishita will call your boss and scold him because Rishita doesn't forgive people who snatch her sweetheart!

This sentence reminded Riddhima of Vansh. He always used to say the same thing "Nobody can snatch you from me. Nobody! Nobody can snatch my sweetheart from me!"

Riddhima's eyes got misty. She kept Rishita on the floor and ran to her room. Kabir carried Rishita to her room and tagged behind Riddhima.

All these events were noticed by a pair of eyes. He scrutinized everything. It seemed like his eyes could burn everything in this world. Especially the moment when that boy held Riddhima's waist. This scene kept replaying in his mind again and again. Riddhima had a daughter! This truth also broke his heart into a million pieces. And who was that boy? Riddhima's husband? No! This can't happen. He slapped the steering wheel. He screamed with pain in his voice. Why is he feeling such extreme emotions for a random girl? Is he getting distracted? He was supposed to find his sweetheart.

All these questions pooled in his mind. His phone rang which brought him back to this world.

"Hello! Angre!"

"Sir! I have got all the details of Ms. Mehta."


"Sir! I have sent the pdf to you. You can check it in your mobile"

"Thanks Angre"

Vansh cut the call and opened the pdf. He started reading out all the information and in the end he gave a devilish smirk.

Inside Riddhima's house:

Kabir was knocking the door loudly. "Riddhima! Are you fine? Is something wrong? You can tell me" Riddhima's mother heard his voice and came out of her room. "What happened beta?" "Aunty. Riddhima was looking worried. That's why I came to check on her." "It's ok beta. You go home and I will check her. It's been such a long time that you are playing with Rishita. You take rest" "But aunty" " Beta! Go home and take a rest." "Ok aunty" Kabir went home. Riddhima's mother knocked on the door and she opened it. Nandini (Riddhima's mother) saw that Riddhima had puffy eyes indicating that she cried a lot.

Nandini: What happened to my child?

Riddhima: Ma! I saw him!

Nandini: Who?

Riddhima: Vansh!

Nandini: What?!

Nandini got inside the room and closed the door. She sat on the bed and Riddhima sat on the floor resting her on her mother's lap. Riddhima was sobbing continuously.

Nadini: Don't cry baccha. How did you meet him after so many years?

Riddhima: He is my new boss, ma.

Riddhima told her mother everything that happened with her throughout the day. Nandini wiped her tears and gave her some water to drink. Riddhima became a little calm after drinking water.

Riddhima: Why do I have to face him after so many years? I can't! Ma, I can't! I don't have the strength left in me. My heart churns whenever I see him. I wish I could get him. I wish I could hug him. I wish I could be his wife. Then my family would have been fulfilled.

Nandini: Riddhima! You will fall sick if you keep crying like this.

Riddhima: Ma, I thought that I would stay strong in front of him but after this one meeting my old memories are revived. I want to touch him, I want to feel him but I can't. My love was true then why is love not written in my destiny? I never did wrong to anybody then why am I being wronged?

Nandini: Riddhima! It's true that I don't have answers to your questions but one thing is for sure. You can't keep holding on to the past. You need to let it go. You need to forget Vansh.

Riddhima: Ma! It's impossible! You know that I can't forget him. I can never give his place to someone else.

Nandini: Riddhima! Listen. He doesn't know that you are Ruhi nor does he remember you. You need to move on, my child. For how many years are you gonna remain like this? Crying and cribbing for him. I can't see you like this. Rishita also needs a father. She is just a small kid. One day or the other, she will need a father.

Riddhima: Ma, I can raise my child on my own. Rishita is my life and my responsibility. She is the reason for my existence but I can't give Vansh's place to somebody else.


Hello! guyz! How is the chapter? Please, tell me in the comments section and don't forget to hit the like button. Please do give some inline comments. Pardon my mistakes.

Love. Love.

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