❤️ CHAPTER 10 ❤️

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Finding Sweetheart (Chapter 10)

Room no.302:

There was pin drop silence in the room.

Mr.Rudra Shekhawat was waiting eagerly for VR.Soon his Pa came and informed him about the arrival of VR.

The door clicked open and Vansh entered the room.His bodyguards stood outside the room and Angre accompanied him.

As soon as Vansh entered, Rudra engulfed him in a warm hug.

Rudra : How are you Vansh beta?

Vansh : I'm doing great uncle.You know what I am much better than before. You know how broken I was at dad's demise.But now everything is under control and last but not the least I am the king of my kingdom. I have made my dad's dream come true. My kingdom is under my rule and I will protect it till my last breath.

Rudra: Yes beta.I am so proud of you. Ajay would be really happy seeing you achieving everything you wanted.

Vansh: How are you doing uncle? Is everything alright at home? I hope that Aryan has turned a liitle bit mature.

Rudra: No Vansh. He is the same Aryan. Immature and childish. He doesn't even understand the value of my hardwork.That's why, I have made this decision.

Vansh: Uncle you can think once again. Aryan is your one and only son. Don't you think you should handover this company to him?

Rudra: Not at all Vansh. I don't want my hard earned money to go to waste. I and Chanchal are happy with each other. And you know how responsible Aryan is as a son. Sometimes I really wonder if there might be any mistakes in my upbringing. I and Chancal tried our best to raise him but alas!

Vansh: No uncle. There is no mistake in your upbringing. It could be that he will realize later. I understand uncle. I truly respect your decision but still I would tell you to reconsider your decision for once.

Rudra was going to say something. At that moment, Aryan burged in the room and grabbed the collar of Vansh. Vansh's bodyguards were about to pounce on Aryan but he signaled them to stop.

Aryan: You scoundrel! I knew that you were behind my company. I always knew this.

Rudra: Just stop it Aryan! Leave him! How much will you shame me? Vansh hasn't done anything. It is me who wants to make this decision and I am happy that I made the right decision.

Aryan left Vansh and strangled his father. Vansh signaled his bodyguards to come inside the cabin and within seconds Aryan's condition was miserable. Vansh held his collar and pulled him up.

Vansh: You know what? I didn't say a word when you attacked me but I can't stand the fact that you will harm Rudra uncle. He is like my father and I won't let anything happen to him. Just go away from here and don't show your filthy face again to me otherwise your situation will be worse than this.

Rudra and Vansh signed the papers of the company and shook hands. Vansh took blessings of Rudra and announced all the employees to gather in the hall.

All the employees gathered in the hall including Riddhima, Siya, and Samaira. There was darkness in the hall. Suddenly the lights came and it was focused on Vansh. He was sitting on a couch with Rudra Shekhawat.

Host: Good afternoon everyone!

We have gathered here for a prestigious announcement. Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania, the business mogul of our country, has graced this conference with his presence. We would like to give him floral greetings........

(In the audience)

Siya: Hey! Riddhu! How boring yaar!! Now we have to wait for this irritating meeting to end! (Whispered to Riddhima)

Riddhima hushed Siya and told her to keep quiet. Siya made faces and wore her glasses. She always hated these types of long conferences which keep going on for hours. So she wore her glasses and pretended to keep her eyes open.

Host: Now I would request Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania to give his speech.

The employees clapped their hands loudly. And this broke the sleep of Siya. She woke up with a jerk and started clapping with everyone. Riddhima glared at Siya and Siya muttered sorry to Riddhima.

Vansh: Good afternoon everyone. I am elated to be here today. Rudra uncle has given me the privilege to lead his company. From now on, I will be leading you guys. And I will try my best to lead this amazing organisation. I hope that I live up to my uncle's expectations and make him proud. Thank you.

Riddhima was sweating profusely in the air conditioned room. She didn't want this to happen. Never in her worst dreams did she think this. History is going to repeat once again. But she can't let this happen. She will change her destiny and try to be away from him. Yes! The decision is made. She will again run away from him though it made her heart pain.


Hello guys!!! How are you?
I am extremely sorry for not writing anything from such a long time. I was going through writers block. After a long time, I have started writing again. I myself forgot the plot. I have to read the story once again to remind the plot. You guys also read it again if you can't remember anything. Please pardon my mistakes. And like button if you loved it.

Love. Love.

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