5/Sleepovers part 2

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Michaels POV

Tess and the guys are really getting along which is great. So far, weve watched horror movie and that didnt end up well. Luke and Calum were screaming nonstop from where the jumpscares were, making me, Ashton and Tessie laugh throughout the film. Now, we are in the middle of watching scary paranormal activity.

"I dont get how you guys are scared" Tessie said, laughing as Luke and Calum screamed.
"I dont get how you're not scared." Calum said, turning around and throwing popcorn at her. She gasped as one got stuck in her hair.

"Oi, ill get you back" She said, untangling the popcorn from her hair. As she was concentrating, I quickly got my phone out and took a picture of her looking quite funny. She laughed when she realised I was taking a picture of her looking like a right idiot. Blushing, she threw a pillow and it landed in my face, earning a shout from luke.

"Shut up guys, im tring to watch it here" He shouted, making us laugh even more.

After the film, we decided to play truth or dare as it was getting quite late and people were getting tired. I got up from the sofa and sat down on the floor where everyone else was. Sitting next to Tess, we took it in turns to give a question or dare. First it was my turn so I asked Ashton.

"Truth or dare" I said, making him think.
"Uhh, dare" He said as I thought of a good and embarrassing dare for him to do.
"I dare you to eat a whole tub of vegemite with just your fingers" I shouted loudly as i pointed at him, laughing. He smirked and got up off the floor, running to the kitchen. When he returned with just the vegemite, i laughed so hard that Luke looked at me weirdly. I shook my head at him and wiped my eyes as they are watering. Ashton sat down next to Calum again and started to eat the plain vegemite. It took him 5 minutes but he did it although his fingers were very sticky and he felt sick.

Next it was Calums turn so he picked Tess.
"Right, truth or dare?" He asked as she sat quietly.
"Truth" She said confidently.
"Such a girl" Calum said with a sassy voice which made her laugh. "Okay, do you have a crush?"

Tessies POV
"Okay, do you have a crush?" He asked me, making me think very hard. I did have a crush but it would be very awkward if i told them. Even though I've only known Michael for about a week i kinda like him. Theres something strange about him but i cant quite figure it out.

Everyone stared at me, waiting for an answer while i sat thinking. In end i spoke.
"No not really, im not the kinda girl to keep crushes." I said as Calum looked at me as if he knew i was lieing.
"Come on, not even a little crush" He said, squinting his eyes. I shook my head and he let it go, passing the go onto Luke.

As Luke was asking Calum a dare, i looked over at Michael who was sat next to me. He looked sad, i wondered if it was because of me. Im glad he didnt see me because i frowned and continued to study his featured. I never noticed before but he had an eyebrow piercing and a mark on his neck-

"Tessie?" Someone said, cutting me out of my thoughts.
"Yeh" I said, snapping my head towards the voice, which was Ashtons.
"Its your go" He simply said, making me nod.
"Michael, truth or dare" I smirked, turning towards him. He thought before screaming truth.
"Jesus Michael, no need to shout" I said as he laughed. "Whats your biggest secret?"

I think that was a bad idea because he looked down at the floor before getting up and leaving. I looked at the rest of the guys with a confused look on my face as they shook their heads.
"You should talk to him" Luke said, making me nod and get up, walking towards Michael who was sitting on the stairs.

I shut the door and sat next to him, giving him a sympathetic look.
"Im sorry Michael, i shouldnt of asked you" I said as he turned towards me.
"No its fine, i shouldnt of left like that" He quitely said.
"If it makes you feel any better, ive got a secret only my best friend Clary knows" I said while i gave him a light smile. He laughed and pulled me closer. He wrapped his arm around me and i rested my head on his shoulder while i closed my eyes.

"Maybe one day ill tell you and you can tell me yours" He said, making me smile.
"Okay" I whispered as he kissed the top of my head. I got shivers, i dont know why but i just did. It was a good thing though.

After a while he got up, making me sit up and look at him funny.
"Do you want to sleep over?" He said while i rubbed my eyes.
"Are you sure its okay?" I asked. He nodded and held out his hand for me to take. He pulled me up off of the stairs and opened the door before walking out with me following behind. As he sat down, Ashton gave me a wink. I laughed and shook my head while Michael was talking to the other guys about the sleepover.

"Michael, i dont have any pajamas" I said embarrassed as Michael ran up stairs and grabbed me one of his t-shirts and gave it to me. I looked at it and it said 'I love unicorns'
I laughed and went to the bathroom to change.

Once i had gotten ready, i stuffed all my clothes into my bag and took out my phone, scrolling through my contacts. I pressed Clary and it rang as i walked into the living room where the boys were laying on top of eachother. I giggled to myself and put my bag on the table. As soon as she picked up, i put the phone to my ear and spoke.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, sitting down in a dining chair, watching the boys mess around.
"Heyyy, yeh im fine thanks. Are you having a good time?" She asked excitedly, eager to know what happened.
"I love it here. Michaels friends Really nice and they make it fun" I said as i laughed. "Do you mind if i spend the night here?" I asked nervously, bitting my lip.
"Thats good, im glad you're enjoying it. Of course you can stay! I know you like him" She shouted down the phone while i rolled my eyes.
We said our goodbyes and i finally hung up, walking toward the living room for the sleepover.

"Hey what took you so long?" Ashton questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.
"I had to call Clary to tell her i was sleeping round" I said as i smiled, looking at him.
"Whos Clary?" Him and Michael said in unison, making me laugh.
"My best friend and roommate" I said as they both smirked.
"Can we meet her?" They said while i nodded and said "One day"

Ashtons POV
Michael was right, she was really pretty. I was surprised that she had red hair but they met in a hair dye shop so what can i say. Tess is really nice and i can tell Michael likes her, which is really sweet but im worried if something happens. What if she sees his fangs in the morning as thats when they are noticeable. What if he bites her- what am i saying, it wont happen and ill make sure of it. Im his best friend so ill do anything it takes for Tess to be his.

At the moment, we were watching another film but this time a comedy. We all had blankets and pillows on the sofa and on the floor which Michael was hogging. Calum and Luke had already fell asleep so it was the perfect time to prank them.

"Tess" I whispered to her from across the room. She was laying on the floor with michael and Luke while i was on the sofa with Calum.

She sat up and looked at me, confused.
"What?" She whispered back as she rubbed her eyes.
"Calum and Luke are asleep, lets prank them" I whispered back making her face light up and Michael sit up.
They both nodded and smiled as i carefully got up and went to the kitchen to get whipped cream. I handed Tess and Michael a bottle and kept one for my self. We all squirted whipped cream on our hands and quietly tiptoed over to the sleeping boys. I had Calum and the other two had Luke.

"One two three..." I whispered as we all slapped them with cream. We shouted smack cam in their faces and they suddenly woke up, confused. We all laughed as they sat up looking at each other, realising what had just happened.

Tonight was going great until something bad happened.

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