21/First kiss...

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Theirs going to be Bad language in this chapter, sorry not sorry.

Also sorry that i havent updated in FOREVER, i was being a lazy ass like i usually am. Anyway heres a new chapter, hope u enjoyyy.


Tessies POV

It had been a week since I ran off from my friends and I felt bad. Ive missed them terribly and I was thinking about going back. Theyre probably all worried sick, im surprised that nobody has come to look for me but I deserve it after I ran off.

Mum had already bought me a new phone which I transferred everything over so I had all my contacts back. I had so many missed calls from him but I cant pick up... im guess im scared. Scared that he would reject me again like last time. Its like a fear i have, of being rejected and Michael was doing a fucking good job of doing that.

'Mum' i shouted down the stairs as i ran down them, careful not to trip in my socks.

'Yes dear' she replied, walking out of the kitchen, watching me put on my shows and opening the door.

'Im going back, they need me. They're probably shit scared' I said, putting my converses on quickly as i rushed out the door, not bothering to say goodbye.

I walked a good 10 minutes before i was taking my phone out of my pocket and hovering my finger over the call button, deciding whether to press dial or not. I bit my lip as i finally decided that i would call him but instantly regretted it once he picked up straight away as if he had been waiting for my call all along.

'Tess' He breathed heavily. 'Tell me its you'

I continued to walk as i played with my hair, obviously nervous.

'Its me' I whispered, guiltily.

'Thank god! You had us all worried. I haven't slept and we even-' He began shouting but i interrupted him as a massive headache came.

'Michael im okay' I breathed heavily at the sound of his name. God his name never failed to make my heart skip a beat, and i admit i was in love. Stupid as it sounds, yes i was deeply in love with him and nothing could deny it. I loved the way he needed help dying his hair when he got in a mess, his sense of style and his fucking gorgeous looks had me in pain. I wanted to be with him but i was still mad at him for rejecting me again. What had i done. He was torturing me and it killed me.

'Where are you' He said sternly as i looked around for a street sign.

'Blake avenue' That was it until the line went dead, indicating that he had hung up, obviously pissed.

After waiting 5 mintues, i saw a car speed up the road and park directly infront of me. An angry Michael carelessly tapping his fingers against the steering wheel, waiting for me to get in. However, i couldnt move, the sight of him made me burst out in tears as i realised that i had missed him to death. His angry expression softened as he realised i was crying which was really embarrassing. Breaking down in front of him was the last thing i wanted to do.

Michael quickly took of his seat belt and rushed out of the car, not bothering to shut his door as he came running to me. He held me in his arms as i sobbed on the street but i honestly didnt care.

'Im so sorry Michael' I hiccuped through my sobs. He just rubbed my back as i hugged him tighter, him following. I was never going to let him go.

'Its okay princess' The thought of the nickname made my heart stop. 'Im sorry too for rejecting you again' He admitted as he took in a deep breath, trying not to cry as well. After we released each other, he took my hand and led me to the passenger side as he opened the door for me. I quickly thanked him and got in, strapping my seat belt on before he got in, following my actions.

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