18/ Bad Ass Mikey

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omggggg I went to the last ROWYSO Europe show at Wembley and it was amazing! My throat kills but its worth it. After what happened on Saturday with the fire I thought it was going to be cancelled but it wasn't and Michael looked fine last night. They kept playing fire songs with was funny LOL. Atleast hes joking about it.

OMG their voices sound way higher in real life, I dyed. Permanent vacation was the besttt.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, yanno exams and stuff but hey, heres a chapter.

thanks for 1K views!



Tessies POV

Once I ran off, I let the tears just flow. Stupid Michael (a/n im a mikey girl so I love him) why does he have to be so complicated. I forgive him then the next minute he doesn't want to know me. I give up. Honestly, I love him but now ive changed my mind, does he really care about me. If he did he wouldn't keep avoiding me, its like ive done something wrong.

Its like 10 at night and im walking in the dark... Again. I have a habiat of running away at night, I don't know why. I stifle a laugh out but stopped once I realised why I did run off. Instead, I just stop walking and lean against the wall beside me, letting more tears come. Sliding down the wall, I just sit, buring my head in my knees, listening to my sobs. I hear a few, not many, people walk past and laugh but I ignore them.

After a while I stop crying so I wipe my eyes and stand up, thinking about where I should go. Not to the boys house or mine because then they'll find me. Mum. I think of as I smile. I haven't told anyone about my mum in a while so they don't know where she lives. Not even clary or brendon, which is a bonus. I get out my phone and call her, telling her about what happened so that she could pick me up. Once I tell her where i am, I hang up and put my phone in my pocket. I had totally forgotten about Michael until my phone rang again. Without thinking, I get it out of my pocket and look at the caller name. "Mikey boo <3"

I feel this sudden anger rise up in me and I instantly throw my phone against the pavement. My phone is completely smashed and broken but I honestly don't care. At least I wont get annoying phone calls from the others. As I look back I notice everything is blurry. Pills.

"I need my pills" I whisper as I start to feel dizzy. Im going to pass out and go crazy if I don't find then soon. I start to dig in my pockets but have no luck so I just let my mind do what it wants to do.

I look around and very thing Is blurry and stirring. The next thing I see is a car pull up beside me. Knowing that Its my mum, I let myself pass out.

Michael POV

I hear the others talking about Tess running off and I instantly feel guilty. I did it to protect her but now I know that ive done the wrong thing and she probably hates me for it. I don't blame her.

I grab my phone and hover over her contact name, hesitating if I should call her. In the end I do call, waiting for her to pick up. it stops ringing and my stomach does flips, thinking she had picked up. It wasn't until the voicemail spoke that I relised she hadn't. Sighing, I try again but this time it doesn't ring. Had she turned off her phone? I didn't want to annoy her so I stopped ringing her. Instead, I sneaked out of my room and walked to the back door.

I looked behind me to see the others still in the living room so they hadn't noticed that Im here. I quietly opened the door and stepped out, slamming the door loudly behind me so that they would know I was out. I laughed to myself and started to run around the house to the front. Luke and Ashton saw me so I smirked and stuck my middle finger up before running down the street to find Tess.

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