Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Part 2 (Human! Optimus X Human! Reader)

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A/N: Hi, so today was actually a good day until I went out and met a fucking creep. 

Yay. very fucking great, not. 

Anyhow, I was halfway writing this and I need to get this done. (It's about 12.30 am in the night now) so yeah, have a part two of this and THERE'S GONNA BE MORE OF IT SOON >O< 

Okay enjoy this long chappyy as Enigma falls asleep~~~


"So...what do you guys wanna eat?" I said, blowing hot air into my hands and rubbed them together. The temperature was getting a little chilly lately.

Not that I'm complaining though, I fragging love winter. It's the season to be jolly and gifts all around and snow, so that's great!

"A nice hot meal would be great..." Doctor Ratchet mumbled, pulling his jacket tighter. The medic was wearing a jacket outside of his lab coat, typical doctor.

I gave him a shook of my head and went to the back. Taking out some extra blankets, distributing it to the team.

"Here, share with each other." I said. Proffessor Ratchet said a soft 'thanks' and took the fluffy material, wrapping it around him and Raf. Wheeljack squeezed in, not wanting to be left out.

"Hey, share some!" Sir Wheeljack grinned, tugging the blanket to his side. Sir Ratchet growled, huffing at the man.

"No! This is for me and Raf, get your own!" he said grumpily.

"Hey, be a little happier, sunshine! It's that time of the month to be nice or you won't be getting any gifts from Santa!" the cheeky teacher said, sticking out his tongue.

The hot-headed doctor rolled his eyes, pushing the Professor of Chemical Engineering away, grunting in disapproval.

"Puh-lease! Santa isn't real AND you should grow up!" he snapped. The whole crew went silent, staring at the grumpy doctor in shock.

"That statement is logical." Shockwave added his two-cents worth.

"NO! SHUT UP!" Starscream cried out, denying the two's statement adamantly. Megatron rolled his eyes but agreed along, voicing up his displeasure for the two scientist's disregard for such holy occasion.

"There might not be a Santa but that was quite harsh, even for me."

"Since when you're all jolly for Christmas, Megatron?!"

"Never...until I've gotten (Y/N) as my student." He smirked at me. I blushed, standing straight up. Knockout made a wolf whistle and nudged at me, whispering LOUDLY.

"Hey, I think Sir Megatron got a thing for you!" whispered-yelled Knockout.

"Shut. Up." I hissed under my grin, pinching the flamboyant medic's back as I continue to smile at the team.

"O-Ow-Ow!" he yelped, jumping away from me. I flashed him a murderous look and he gulped, silencing immediately.

Without you noticing, Professor Optimus's mouth went into a still line as he creased his eyebrow in displeasure, keeping quiet.

Unfortunately, this action didn't go unnoticed by the Decepticon Head, who was smirking inwardly at his glorious plan on pissing his greatest frenemy off.

As you readers can see, it was going absolutely well.

"Alright, enough of chit chat! (Y/N), would it be too much to ask for a hot bowl of soup?" Professor Magnus asked, walking over. I shook my head, giving him a smile.

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